That's outstanding! Man, I can see where this could lead.
Yeah - I'm going to get the cops called on Setion!
Hey Trap, any chance that I could mirror this on Snuckey's (
If you want, but I'm probably going to be updating it so you may want to wait till I have a more solid version out.
No problem man. Waiting's what I do best when it comes to running a Sam and Max fan site.
I noticed that there's an issue with the loading screen. It loads all the way, but I have to hit refresh to see anything.
Originally posted by Metallus
I noticed that there's an issue with the loading screen. It loads all the way, but I have to hit refresh to see anything. The "loading" screen never disappears for me either, whether I refresh or not, though it appears to have finished downloading. I'm using Mozilla 0.9.9 with Flash 5 if that means anything.
The standalone thing works all right, though. Good work!
And now back to lurking...
Something is wrong! Its the never ending Loading Page! It puts you in enough agony and suspence to drive you insane! Make it stop!
I had to refresh, but it works now. That thing is great. Time to get a new message for my answering machine. One thing, the cork doesnt do anything, is it supposed to?
It cancels the sound (if any) that's currently playing.
That'd be kinda complicated, and troublesome. You just have to get used to the soundboard and remember where everything is, just like the Arnold board.
Stop being a greedy American, Shmargin.
This...Is...AMAZING :sam: