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Scrolling Text...?

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04-21-2002, 3:30 AM
Hi- I'm running JKII on windows 98 with a voodoo 3 3000- in the opening scene, with the stars in the background, it shows the text saying "star wars" moving into the background. The scrolling text that i assume is supposed to be there never shows up. The music is fine, after a while the camera pans down, and the rest of the movie is fine. Does anyone know how I could fix this? Thanks
04-21-2002, 2:55 PM
You can fix this problem with the Wicked GL driver, but you will be dissapointed. The Text will show up, but it is unreadable.

I've tried everything, but there seems to be no workaround. This error just occours on a Voodoo 3.
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