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Unable to play online

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04-20-2002, 3:35 PM
While playing online for couple of seconds, it pops up CL_parsepacketentities and disconnected. Please advise.
04-20-2002, 11:41 PM
Everyone and there brother are having this error. Some say that you have to have the CD in the tray, others say you don't. some say get the patches at gamecopyworld, i tried them and it still won't work. I read someone saying you have to disable your network card to play. did that. didn't work.

From now on I'm going to warez games to see if the damn thing works before i shell out 50 bucks for a fvcking coaster.

You hear me Raven!!!!
We want the freakin patch!!!
And if it doesn't get here soon, And when it comes it still doesn't work, it's time to play taget practice with JK2 and a sawed-off.
04-21-2002, 2:39 AM
Go ahead and play target practice with your $50. I'd rather just wait and see what the patch fixes.

alankyy, you can fix your problem by uninstalling the no-CD crack. That's the culprit.
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