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Tweek sites/advice?

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04-19-2002, 7:24 PM
Hello all,

I'm wondering if any of you lovely people could point me in the direction of some good JK2/Q3 engine tweek sites or offer some general performance boosting tips.

I'm an utter n00b when it comes to Q3 engine games but would really like to try and wring a little more performance out of my modest PC if possible.

I've set all my graphics details to low but am wondering if there are any sneaky console commands not referenced by menu items like cl_tinyfpssuckingbitsofdebris 0 and the like.
Equally I'm wondering if there are connection specific commands that could be fine tuned. I've set my data rate in the menu option but wonder if there's any more I can do to reduce the lag I occasionally suffer.

Specs if it helps:

GeForce2 GTS (32meg)
ISDN connection (64k)

My thanks in advance,

04-20-2002, 7:58 AM
04-20-2002, 8:57 AM
Many thanks for those, I'll check them out.
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