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The Yuuzhan Vong Expansion

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07-28-2001, 6:04 PM
I saw someone post this and thought it deserved repeating.

Imagine! Amphistaffs, Coralskippers, Dovin Bassals!


And also a New Republic Expansion.
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 7:28 PM

It would be hard to balance all those powerfull units, but it would still be really fun.
07-28-2001, 8:55 PM
Yeah. Maybe the Vong units would cost MUCH more?
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 9:14 PM
That could be a good way to do it, or they could be much slower. Another thing is that the others could have a special Ithorian made weapons that disabled their armour. Pollen Troopers :trooper:
07-28-2001, 9:22 PM
Definitely would be cool. I'd like to see some of those rebels getting sucked up into the voids...
07-28-2001, 9:23 PM
hey evaders!!!!!!!!!!

I heard you retired from the uh or was that someone else?
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 10:03 PM
Yes, welcome

What do you mean "retired" R15?
07-28-2001, 11:05 PM
I can never retire - not until they decide to cut funding the domain name anymore :)
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 11:10 PM
So you still post over there?

Then what did you mean by that R15?
07-28-2001, 11:13 PM
I don't care what the name is, as long there are Mon Calamari in it.
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 11:21 PM
Would you really buy it if it only had the Mon Cals in it though? Wouldn't you like some other civs like the Tuskans, Vong, or Jawas?
07-29-2001, 8:32 AM
It seem the Yuuzhan Vong are in high demand.

 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 11:16 AM
You could say that, but it doesn't mean that they are going to add them. Maybe though, one can only hope.
07-29-2001, 11:51 AM
Yes the Vong are in high demand, but when you look at it why? Ok they are a radical new civ for the SW Universe but they have some serious faults. There superior tech would give them such an unfair advantage any kind of game balanceing would become impossible. Would you be willing to bye an expansion pack to get them? Im not sure, Lucasarts are doing there upmost to fleace us over this game when you look at it. They release with only six civs on a system that is already designed. The reason for this is not that they think the system would be good for the game but that it is cheaper to do something old than to be inovative and bring out something ground braking and new. Shame on them. Woops a bit off topic. ;)
07-29-2001, 11:53 AM
Nah... you could balance them easy, just make their units expensive, or slow, and give jedi a huge bonus against them
07-29-2001, 11:58 AM
Except the Jedi have no bonus over them as the Vong do not exist in the force. They are adapt warriors who are fast agile and deadly. Whats the point in changeing them so much they are no longer really the Vong?
07-29-2001, 12:04 PM
You've got a point there...
07-29-2001, 12:20 PM
Yep :) but im not denying they would still be a fun race.
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 2:35 PM
It could be a bonus race. The point could be to just wipe everything out. They wouldn't need counters. The only problem would be MP, but you could just not be able to use them in multiplayer.
 Young David
07-29-2001, 2:48 PM
Ofcourse you can balance the YV. You can balance the Empire also and they ruled the galaxy for a long time. The Vong are no different, they will lose eventually.

The problem is that LEC isn't that fond of creating games in the EU. What they do is based on the canon stuff or they wrote the story themself (SOTE is an exception here).

Also there's a huge gap between ROTJ and the NJO. If they are to be in an GB expansion, LEC has to make a campaign about to explain their story ... and that's the REAL problem. The NJO isn't finished, we don't know the outcome. LEC can't make a campaign about it at this time and it will be a while until the NJO is finished.

Mark my words, the Vong will not be in a GB expansion, because it isn't possible.
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 3:32 PM
Yeah, but one can hope. Or maybe someone will come out with a mod a while after the game is released. Thats's a good point though.
07-29-2001, 3:33 PM
A mod... hmmm;)
07-29-2001, 4:17 PM
A MOD! A MOD! A MOD! Interesting!
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 5:20 PM
but that might be kinda hard to do, i don't know.

Has anyone here ever editted AOE or AOK?
 Boba Fett
07-29-2001, 8:22 PM
Hey, what about the Hutts! They're a civilization too. I think Hutts would be a cool expansion pack. And alot of the Hutt units would be very diverse because they are all basically hired gunmen. Jabba the Hutt would be a cool hero character too.
07-29-2001, 9:00 PM
There are ways to balance the Yuuzhan Vong.

First of, they can't trade with anyone (makes sense, they are here to conquer only)

They have no Jedi units (because they live outside the force)

They could also have to terraform parts of the map they want to build on?

There would be a new resource, the Ithorian pollen which the other civs have to harvest (it would have to be hard but not impossible to deliver tho, otherwise people would just use it...perhaps in an unarmed and easy to destroy unit)

And one last thing, in one of the NJO books they mentioned that sometimes the Coralskippers dont always grow properly...maybe there could be a 5% that each unit doesnt form right...with an extra 1% for the size of the unit/building in question.

 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 10:14 PM
That would be a good way to do it. I'm sure someones said it already. but they would have to be really expensive. Another thing is that they could have no defensive structures, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack.
07-29-2001, 10:57 PM
Smart guy who plays tennis hmmm... you seem to fit the decription! ;)
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 10:59 PM
I wrote that with a tone of sarcasm, but i consider my self intelligent, and definately play tennis, so......

I see you've been reading my profile. FYI, that's not really a homepage, i don't know if you realized that.
07-30-2001, 12:11 AM
But remeber Star Wars:Galatic Battleground will be a SERIES. Like AoE. So something like having the Yuzzhan Vong in the game is possible, but it would be in another game later in the series. Lucasarts might be planning to make a GB game for each Star Wars time period(i.e.GB for the movies, GB2for Thrawn trilgy and Dark Empire, etc) I hope this will happen because it will be cool if there was pollen troopers and the coral skippers and so forth, but in the Yuzzhan Vong book series they seeded worlds with Yorkik coral (can't spell it, but it's used to make their ships) so it would be hard to create a game with them since they use yorkik coral instead of the resouces in the star wars galaxy.
07-30-2001, 12:20 AM
Maybe sometime in the future they borrow Age of Mythology's Engine... but now I think it's more possible to have an X-Pack
07-30-2001, 12:26 AM
Excellent thoughts and opinions people, keep it up!

To keep it going: A Shi'ido expansion. (The creatures that can morph their body mass to be identical to practically any alien species) or a Trandoshan expansion!
 Lord JayVizIon
07-30-2001, 1:42 AM
hmm, trandoshans are the non playable reptilian like species in the game (i'm pretty sure you know this, the wookie campaign has them there). they would be interesting, but i think the vongs would be awesome. check out pcgamer for more news besides this website, their first coverage of the game had good shots...
 Young David
07-30-2001, 6:12 AM
Hold on ... We're dreaming too much here. GB is not gonna be a big series like that with multpiple X-packs and stuff. One X-pack there might gonna be ... no more I think. Even one X-pack might be very optimistic.

GB is intended as a standalone game. It doesn't cover a part of histor like the Age of Empires series does. GB focussus on the canon stuff (all the civs in it are canon) and LEC likes to use canon stuff too ... YV is way out of their leage as are the Thrawn Trilogy and Dark Empire.

If their will be any further GB expansions or maybe a new GB game it will include episode 2 or 3. And if there are to be new civs it will be ep2 or 3 factions or civs that have an appearance in the SW movies (Mon Calamari, Rodians, Sullustians) and they have to be worth it enough to make a whole new civ.

As for me ... I'm happy with the 6 GB civs. I don't even have to dream of other civs until I played those 6.
07-30-2001, 3:41 PM
It might be possible that when each of the new movies come out a GB expansion might follow. In each expansion it will have the newer things that are in the movies.
 Tie Guy
07-30-2001, 3:47 PM
Hmm, that would be nice, but those might not always be worth an expansion.

And Dave, i think that this will be a game that can have multiple expansions, especially if it becomes a hit, which it seems set up to be.
07-30-2001, 9:10 PM
Actually LEC have used the expanded universe before and alot of the games would be considered EU too.

Examples: Rebellion and TIE Fighter both have Thrawn in, Rebellion also draws in lots of material from the books (Noghri, alot of ships and alot of characters)

Xwing vs TIE Fighter and Xwing Alliance also borrow ships from the books.

MOTS uses material from the Thrawn Trilogy.

Rogue Squadron has the Battle of Mon Calamari in from Dark Empire.

Do I need to continue?

 Tie Guy
07-30-2001, 9:39 PM
please do.
08-03-2001, 8:42 PM
Young David said:
Ofcourse you can balance the YV. You can balance the Empire also and they ruled the galaxy for a long time. The Vong are no different, they will lose eventually.

The problem is that LEC isn't that fond of creating games in the EU. What they do is based on the canon stuff or they wrote the story themself (SOTE is an exception here).

Also there's a huge gap between ROTJ and the NJO. If they are to be in an GB expansion, LEC has to make a campaign about to explain their story ... and that's the REAL problem. The NJO isn't finished, we don't know the outcome. LEC can't make a campaign about it at this time and it will be a while until the NJO is finished.

Mark my words, the Vong will not be in a GB expansion, because it isn't possible.

He has a point. Maybe the best expansion should be from races from the movies. Mon Calamari, Rodians, Trandoshans or from other released material like Black Sun.
 Tie Guy
08-03-2001, 10:34 PM
Black Sun and the Trandoshans are not mentioned in the movie, and we onlt see like one Rodian.
 Young David
08-03-2001, 11:52 PM
The ships in the X-Wing series are there cause there needs to be a lot of ships. You can't make a fun spacesim with just the few ships in the movies. The EU provided here with some models. They used it, because they needed it.

Rebellion needed a lot of characters, ships (see above) and other things that the movies could not provide. They used the EU because they needed it.

The battle of Mon Calamari was more a bonus mision I think and the rest of the stuff isn't playing a big role in the games.

When people buy Star Wars games they are mostly familiar with the movies, the EU isn't that well known to everyone. Here in the Netherlands only a few books are availible in dutch and that's mostly it. If you don't read english books, you have no clue what the NJO is.

LEC want's to sell their products to a large audience, an audience that know star wars from a few movies to die-hard fans. THey can intruduce a few things from from the EU, things that can be related back to the movies easily. I'm afraide the Vong aren't one of those things.

Also I don't think there won't be a lot of expansions because there isn't that much more to improve anymore. GB is already the 5th version of the engine (Ensemble's AoE, RoR, AoK and TC being the first 4) so the game features a lot already. And people won't buy another expansion only for the addition of some civs (I won't).
08-04-2001, 11:02 AM
Finally a discussion... :D :D (eat you heart out, Kvan !)

There's two more movies coming, and with TPM we saw that movie bring us dozens of games based on it.
So of course there will be some kind of expansion with those movies featured. Episode 2 releases in May 2002; GB will be half a year old then and it will be clear if it's a success or not. About that time, developers would be starting to work on an expansion or would already be working on it, based on what they know about the new movies (way before we do).

and yes, i would buy an expansion pack simply for some new civs.
08-04-2001, 2:48 PM
Now why couln't you make the regular Vong warriors expensive like the Jedi will be? Then make their main units look like the slaves they pick up? And do remeber the rare trees. That would come into play somewhere. Lets just say the Vong would be a great race, best tech and all, but they take forever to build up good armys and techs. Protoss anyone...
08-04-2001, 2:55 PM
Yes, like Protoss, but without real 'technology'.
More like Zerg..

The books so far have created enough reasons for the Vong. I haven't heard or read any comments from Lucas on those books yet. If he feels they're off the mark, it will never happen.

So Vong would have:

Coral Skippers
Assassins (from Hero's Trial)

you name it..
 Tie Guy
08-04-2001, 6:52 PM
But the story ain't over yet, cause they haven't finihsed the books. Maybe by the time it would come out they would have finished. If so they would work, if not, they'll have to wait.
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