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Other Taunts?!

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04-15-2002, 11:15 PM
Hey guys,
Maybe this has been addressed already but I couldn't find it

Anyways I noticed in the console if you type taunt a list of taunts come up eg.
Anyways does anyone know what these are/how to use them??

04-15-2002, 11:28 PM
Other taunts?
well that would be cool, but maybe they are model dependant?
or only for sp, NPC's. *shrugs*
 [-X-] Vagabond
04-15-2002, 11:46 PM
I heard something about another Taunt during a Duel online.
The Guy told me about this cool Taunt that's used in SP by the Reborns,Tavion and Desann. You know, they are turning the Sabers of, let them fly spinning above their Hand.

He say's he has seen this Taunt in a Duel recently.

I know there is a Way to use this kind of Taunt in SP when you have the Cheats activated.

If there is a Way to use this in MP too, please tell me. :)
04-16-2002, 12:40 AM
Cheats aren't necessary for that taunt in SP; just bind it exactly like you do in MP. There is also a +victory command in SP, that plays Kyle's MP taunt and turns his saber off.

Edit: Let me clarify.. In SP, the +taunt command from multiplayer does the floating-saber-spin thing(try it with your saber off and then turn it on as you finish, it's pretty cool). There is no simple command to do this in MP, though there may be something that plays a specific animation on your model or something...
04-16-2002, 12:44 AM
Actually, in SP you don't need cheats.

Just type bind x taunt

Yes it's taunt NOT +taunt. Also, you can try victory as well, instead of taunt.
 [-X-] Vagabond
04-16-2002, 8:14 AM
Ok, then it's time to find out how to do this Taunt/Animation in MP.
I think this could be very funny combination, swirling your Saber above your Hand and saying "Surrender or die" :rofl:

I tried allready those taunt commands in MP but only with +taunt you get a reaction.

All those other Commands like victory or tauntpraise and so on are not working there or not implemented.

And if you use victory in SP you 'll finish the current Level.

Perhaps there is a script with the commands for the Animation in one of those .pk3 files. I'll try to take a closer look but every Help would be great. I'm not a Coder or MOD Maker so I don't have much skills in doing that. But I'll try. :)
 Darth Phodis
04-16-2002, 8:54 AM
Hmmm, today in a DUEL match I saw a guy (more than once)...using the luke model...spin his lightsaber around his head...nb: the lightsaber wasnt in his was a full arms lenght away from his hand... it looked great... he wouldnt tell us how to do it (wouldnt chat).... and this was half way through the match, not a victory move.
If anyone can work out how he did it plz post it... it looks unreal.
04-16-2002, 9:25 AM
i saw once a player who threw their saber straigtt up into the air as a taunt

i know it wasnt him using throw through
it looked totally different, the saber went straight up without him LOOKING up to throw it and it didnt imediatly ignite like a thrown saber
it ignited after it reached the top of its arc

there has to be a way to activate these in mp but ive never seen an alternative taunt since
 [-X-] Vagabond
04-16-2002, 9:35 AM
Originally posted by Darth Phodis
Hmmm, today in a DUEL match I saw a guy (more than once)...using the luke model...spin his lightsaber around his head...nb: the lightsaber wasnt in his was a full arms lenght away from his hand... it looked great... he wouldnt tell us how to do it (wouldnt chat).... and this was half way through the match, not a victory move.
If anyone can work out how he did it plz post it... it looks unreal.

Thats not exactly what I mean, but it's very close. :)

I found out a little bit meanwhile.
The Animation I mean has something to do with Both_Gesture1
I found this Parameter or Command in Animation.cfg and also in
the animsounds.cfg together with a saberspinoff.wav

But I'm still without any Idea to use it in MP. :confused:
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