There IS a demo coming, as was confirmed by Garry Gaber.
How much would you want to see in it ?
The same type of stuff in the AOK one: A few missions and restricted mutliplay ;)
A few missions and restricted multiplay would let customers have a slightly better idea of what they'll be getting. I'd have a better chance of getting skeptical friends to get the final game.
Well DUH!!! Of course there's a demo coming, i thought there was a demo released for every PC game?:D The real question sherlok is when is the demo going to be released?:eek:
I think Garry Gaber said it would be put out before the game is released. I only want 1 mission and restricted MP. This way it doesnt give alot of the game away and yet it gives you a taste of what it will be like to play GBG.
Jr., the question was, what is the demo gonna include :p
yeah, but he said, "there IS a demo coming out, as confirmed by Gary Gouber". He stressed the word "is" as if there was at one time some doubt.
I want like 2 missions and a skirmish map. The first mission is never very fun, and is always a non-base building mission. So, you would have to give people a feel for the resources and gameplay, not running around a map.
I would say give 3 mission work up to Techlevel 3 so a person can get a hang of what goes on. Then give one skirmish map, with only like 2 civs to choose from. Each civ could go as high as the third techlevel.
How about like a seperate Demo campaign that isn't in the main game, like the SC demo. 1 Multiplayer Map and you could only be the Empire or Rebels
i guess there will be the tutorial campain and a senerio for random map. there will probably be a multi option and only 2 civs, the wookies and ??? plus only up to level three (which is a gb form of the AoK demo!!)
I think that there should be two (maybe three) single player missions, to give the feel of what the game will be like. There definately should not be an entire campaign given away. As for skirmish, there should be one map and one or two teams to choose from. In the multiplayer mode there should be one map with two teams to choose from. The teams that should be in the demo? Hmm, perhaps the Naboo or the Wookies. That way we would learn a little more about those races and how the game balances out. We already know many of the units for the Rebels and Imperials. However, Gaber may not want to give away so much information about the new races, and keep them as a suprise for those who actually buy the game. In that case I'm sure that he would use the Rebels and Imperials (perhaps the Gungans or Trade Federation).
It would be an interesting twist if the Gungans and Trade Federation were in the demo. :D
i still think they will stick with the AoK demo. that worked for me. thrawn, the turorial is not long and only requires Tl3.
:mad: It wouldn't be fun if they gave away all the gameplay:mad:
you'll be able to get the down load at lucasarts website.
I have no idea. sometimes they give the demo after the game gone gold....
probably in a month or two, maybe later.
It would be interesting to put the naboo and the gungans in the demo, that would real PO alot of people. :D
Originally posted by Tie Guy
probably in a month or two, maybe later.
It would be interesting to put the naboo and the gungans in the demo, that would real PO alot of people. :D
lol Thats probably what their going to do. It will let people see the gameplay, but it won't be giving people the civ's they'd be buying the game for.
i say one mission where you are only one race. This gives you a little feel for the game and gets you itching to see the rest of it :p
I think that they should put half a campaign and a skirmish map where you can pick two civs and go to tech level 3. Or a pre-set Skirmish map.
Originally posted by Admiral Odin
you'll be able to get the down load at lucasarts website.
Not neccesarily...they release demos mostly to the Magizines now because they will pay for it. As for the amount of stuff it should have...the beginer's campaign and maybe one type of skirmish...maybe.