<BODY bgcolor="#000000" text="#64A2FD" link="#D3D3D3" alink="#800000" vlink="#a8a8a8" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 onLoad="alert('Rogue Squadron 3D is the best game, better than jedi knight and mots, by clicking ok, you agree to never say anything bad about rogue squadron again, and also agree that it is not a childrens game.');"><font color="#414141" size="-2"></BODY>
[This message has been edited by Garindan (edited March 23, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Garindan (edited March 23, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Garindan (edited March 23, 2001).]