Mine are:
Starfighters: TIE Interceptor, Z-95, Missile Boat
Starships: Assault Transport (gamma class), Imperial 2 Star Destroyer
Swoop/speeder bike: Aratech Imperial Speeder Bike (return of jedi)
Ground vehicles: AT-ST, AT-AT
Hover vehicles(not iuncluding speeder bikes or swoops): Airspeeder, V-Wing
Bounty Hunters: IG-88, Boba Fett, and Dengar
Droids: IG-88, death star droid, Probe Droid
Rebel: General Rieekan
Imperial: General Veers
Jedi: Kyle Katarn
Sith: Yun (if you'd consider him to be a sith, he DID save kyle's life)
Rebel trooper: Hoth Rebel Soldier
Imperial trooper: AT-ST Driver, Sandtrooper
Alien: Kubaz
[This message has been edited by Garindan (edited March 13, 2001).]
Mine are:
Starfighters: A-wing and X-wings rock all else
Starships: Nothing kicks rebel butt like a full loaded Death Star!
Swoop/speeder: Whatever Corin Horn's lightsaber is made out of.
Ground vehicles: any fast land speeder baby- I gotta get me one!
Hover vehicles: Snow speeder, It has got that wonderful hook!
Bounty Hunters: Fett; 'nuff said
Droids: Those rolly polly destroyer droids- gotta respect any droid that brings its own force field to a fight.
Rebel: General Antilles, of course
Imperial: Admiral Piett, because A-wings fit so well up his nose.
Jedi: Mara Jade; the yummiest jedi ever
Sith: Maul's moves are just too cool.
Rebel trooper: All of them
Imperial trooper: Imperial commando
Alien: My ewok/gungan crossbreed- a vain attempt a producing a creature that could out-cutey those %$#@!!! Teletubbies!!!!!!!
The Master is Back
with a vengence
Starfighters: X-Wing
Starships: Variety of Mon Cal Cruisers
Swoop/speeder (Repulsor Vehicle--you have this category twice): Chariot Light Assault Vehicle
Ground vehicles: Rebel Attack Tank
Repulsor Vehicle: See Above
Bounty Hunters: None
Droids: R2-D2. Is there any doubt?
Rebel: Wedge Antilles.
Imperial: Stormtrooper. The one in white.
Jedi: Anakin Solo. The Boy's potential is freaky.
Sith: Ulic Qel-Droma
Rebel trooper: Fleet Trooper. It's the bubble head brigade
Imperial trooper: Death Star/Fleet Trooper. It's the bowling ball head brigade
Alien: WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a note. You have the same class of vehicle twice. There should only be one class for Swoop/speeder/air/hover vehicle....it's called Repulsor Vehicle.
i meesed up, for speeder, i meant speeder bike. sorry if i confused you a little.
Starfighters: X-Wing (for raw versatility)
Space Transport: Anything Corellian, especially the YT-1300 class (like the Falcon).
Cap ships: Mon Cal cruisers and Star Destroyers.
Repulsor craft: Swoop bikes (though pod racers are beginning to grow on me)
Ground effect vehicles: Repulsortanks.
Bounty Hunters: Boba Fett, Zuckuss, Mist (from WEG's DarkStryder Campaign).
Droids: Industrial Automaton's R-series astromech, especially R2-units (the swiss army knife of droids).
Rebel/New Republic: Gen. Wedge Antilles (c. the X-Wing books), Grand Admiral <strike>Sushi</strike> Ackbar (c. the Thrawn Trilogy).
Imperial: Grand Admiral Thrawn (a tactical genius), Baron Soontir Fel (the Imperial Antilles)
Jedi: Mara Jade Skywalker (*love-lorn sigh*).
Dark Jedi: Jerec.
Sith: Darth Vader.
Rebel/New Republic forces: Rogue Squadron. The best of the best.
Imperial forces: 181<sup>st</sup> fighter wing. Baron Fel's squadron.
Alien: Mon Calamari (as artists) and EWOKS!!!
"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb
starship: tie advanced
I don't own any other games but Racer
I wish computer stuff wasn't so expensive.
You people are what I call...