I used to play the card game. When i first started buying the cards one of my friends said, "I stay away form cardboard crack." I didn't know what he meant by that until I had spent about $300 on cards. I just kept byuing and buying looking for rare cards (if I was smart then, I would have searched the net!). Fianlly I decided to quit cold turkey. I quit buying cards and gave them away to my friends.
It wasn't easy though. The withdrawel symptoms were very severe. Whenever I went into a comic book store the Star Wars card game packages looked so good and eager to satisfy my longing for more cards I would break out into a sweat and have to leave the store. I lost about 20 pounds before finally being freed of my cardboard adiction.
I am back to normal now. I have been sober for about 2 years now and feel better than ever.