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[The Sith]

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 darth myleous
04-03-2002, 1:21 AM
Our Quake III (mod) Clan, The Sith, will soon be converting to Jedi Knight II in May. We currently have no openings, but Dedicated Servers WILL now be open in May. (Openings by Late April, early May). We will of course be a Dark-Side-Force clan ONLY, so if you wish to get a tryout, you can e-mail me at

 IDarth HybridII
04-03-2002, 2:53 AM
I am Darth Hybrid, im 1 of 3 Dark Jedi Sith Lords of this clan. its ture our clan will be up and well running in may. by then we'll have plenty of training (as if already we didnt have enought). We also are secretly training a few selected memebers.

-II Darth Hybrid II

-U do not know with whom u were fukin with.:slsaber:
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