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Which person, yes person, will you decimate in online gameplay?

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08-18-2001, 7:49 PM
Who would you destroy in a online multiplayer once the game is released? This should be interesting. :D
08-18-2001, 8:05 PM
Gaber, for not comming last night and making me stay up till past 2:00:mad:
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 8:12 PM
Kvan :D
08-18-2001, 8:48 PM
Leon and Tie, both at the same time! ;)
 Boba Rhett
08-18-2001, 8:59 PM
The way I manage things, I'll probably end up destroying myself. :rolleyes:

BTW, anyone notice that was mentioned on
08-18-2001, 9:07 PM
*crosses his fingers and hopes nobody notices him*
 xwing guy
08-18-2001, 10:12 PM
I intend to destroy all of you at the same time!:evil3:
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 10:40 PM
*starts counting on his fingers*

Taht's not possible, there are more than 7 people besides you here.
 xwing guy
08-18-2001, 10:45 PM
well tie guy since both of us like the wookiees then lets team up and destroy everyone else.:evil3:
08-18-2001, 10:47 PM
Can I join your merry band? ;)
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 10:48 PM
Sure, now one more wookiee and we can have a 4 on 4 bout. The other team can all be the empire. Of course, we will need 4 imp players.
 xwing guy
08-18-2001, 10:54 PM
so who here wants to be the 4th wookiee player. So come join the glorious wookiee empire where will we protect, defend, and serve all citizens of our empire and... oops got a little carried away there.;)
08-19-2001, 12:03 AM
*phhhfff* I'll take you are merry band of wookiees and scalp the lot of you! :D
08-19-2001, 12:07 AM
Scalping isn't for me I'll let my Bounty Hunters that look like Fett handle that:p My SIth will eat up army after army of your yet pittiful, wookies:D
Then I'll play as the wookies next game:D
 Lord JayVizIon
08-19-2001, 12:09 AM
i'll join your wookie team. just finished my six and a half hour mcat exam today and i feel like smashing something......
08-19-2001, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon
i'll join your wookie team. just finished my six and a half hour mcat exam today and i feel like smashing something......
Trader! Us Cali people have to stick together! ;)
08-19-2001, 12:33 AM
I'd like to have a shot at kvan for outlasting me in that little 2AM(EST of course ;) ) arguement. But then again, it'd have to be during that DAY, and by day I mean the same day in both of our time zones ;)

I'm just joking.........I'll help ya out if ya need help scalping some wookiees :D
 Sherack Nhar
08-19-2001, 1:05 AM
Originally posted by TheJackal
*crosses his fingers and hopes nobody notices him* I'm taking on TheJackal as soon as the game comes out :D
 Lord JayVizIon
08-19-2001, 6:28 AM
sorry about that kvan, yeah i'll back you up then since i'm a cali guy (at least for now). you be chewie Jr., i'll be chewie Sr.
 General Nilaar
08-19-2001, 7:23 AM
Sign me up on the Imperial side. It's time to remind the Wookies that they are only a slave race, one of many inferior non-human races that make up the expendable workforce in the Empire;)
08-19-2001, 7:39 AM
Originally posted by General Nilaar
Sign me up on the Imperial side. It's time to remind the Wookies that they are only a slave race, one of many inferior non-human races that make up the expendable workforce in the Empire;)

heck ya!! i'm in, for the imps that is!!

:atat: :atat: :chewie: :chewie:
08-19-2001, 9:59 AM
Every single holier than thou Imperial.
08-19-2001, 10:17 AM
Heheheh Its 5 on 3 in favor of the Empire. Now we have to win......otherwise, we'd look quite stupid, wouldn't we? :D Go Imperials!

:atat: :tie: :dtrooper: :speeder: :trooper: :mob: :chewie: :chewie: :chewie:
 Master Yoda
08-19-2001, 11:10 AM
My army of Wookies help rip apart an Imperial army or 2 or 3...:D
08-19-2001, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Gamma732
Heheheh Its 5 on 3 in favor of the Empire. Now we have to win......otherwise, we'd look quite stupid, wouldn't we? :D Go Imperials!

HEY! Don't forget the Trade Federation! It's 5 on 3 plus 1 :D
 Master Yoda
08-19-2001, 11:55 AM
Actually its 5 on 4 in favor of the Empire but a Wookie army is worth atleast 2 Imperial armys so we will still win!!:p
08-19-2001, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoda
Actually its 5 on 4 in favor of the Empire but a Wookie army is worth atleast 2 Imperial armys so we will still win!!:p
But if you are playing Yoda, they need to add a negative number because you are just that bad! ;)
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar
I'm taking on TheJackal as soon as the game comes out :D

Hehe...that'll be great, I can just see it now, "Battle of the Super Mods" :D

Anyways, it couldn't be 5 to 4 to 1 for the Empire coz you can only have 8 players, that is....................10. :D
 xwing guy
08-19-2001, 3:37 PM
So i guess we have to take out the TF and one Imp civ or two Imp civ so we can leave in the TF. So now it'll be even.:D Feel the wrath of the wookiees and run if you value your lives!
 Lord JayVizIon
08-19-2001, 4:02 PM
hehe, i'm glad no one wants to annihilate me! i guess i could sneak up on people and feel my wookie wrath...:cool:
08-19-2001, 4:31 PM
sign me up for the rebellion or Wookies

08-19-2001, 5:24 PM
Originally posted by xwing guy
So i guess we have to take out the TF and one Imp civ or two Imp civ so we can leave in the TF. So now it'll be even.:D Feel the wrath of the wookiees and run if you value your lives!

No I think we need to eliminate the wookie guy in order to fit the TF in. and then another wookie would go because we have to have the Rebels represented. And then another wookie would have to leave because the Gungans need a represntative here It looks like 4 on 1 on 1 on 1 on 1. Nobody wanted to be the Naboo so they didn't get a representative. (as soon as Leon gets back this topic is headed for off-topic:D )
08-19-2001, 6:19 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie
No I think we need to eliminate the wookie guy in order to fit the TF in. and then another wookie would go because we have to have the Rebels represented. And then another wookie would have to leave because the Gungans need a represntative here It looks like 4 on 1 on 1 on 1 on 1. Nobody wanted to be the Naboo so they didn't get a representative. (as soon as Leon gets back this topic is headed for off-topic )

Maybe we should just narrow it down to Wookiees and sympathizers vs the anti-Wookiee mob(or insert your own group names here). Because even teams would make for a much better fight.

Hey Kvan, is my quote button working now? ;)
08-19-2001, 6:23 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732

Maybe we should just narrow it down to Wookiees and sympathizers vs the anti-Wookiee mob(or insert your own group names here). Because even teams would make for a much better fight.

Why do we need wookies anyway? The Imps reign supreme on the popularity rating (with the wookies at a close second, but still)
08-19-2001, 6:30 PM
Well it started out Imperials vs Wookiees, but I think it should be narrowed down to good vs evil or something cus it'd be a fairly 1 sided game 4 v 1 v 1 v 1.
08-19-2001, 6:32 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732
Well it started out Imperials vs Wookiees, but I think it should be narrowed down to good vs evil or something cus it'd be a fairly 1 sided game 4 v 1 v 1 v 1.

+ 1 :D
08-19-2001, 6:56 PM
Originally posted by Clefo
Every single holier than thou Imperial.

what the heck is that supose(sp?) to mean
08-19-2001, 7:44 PM
sp means spell check......I think
08-19-2001, 7:45 PM
Do'h......sorry read your post wrong :rolleyes:
 xwing guy
08-19-2001, 9:36 PM
Gamma I think Leon would cosider that spamming.:D
08-19-2001, 10:03 PM
If you're serious: I'm sorry!!! Really!!

If not: There are people more new then me for you to bash! ;)
08-19-2001, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732
If you're serious: I'm sorry!!! Really!!

If not: There are people more new then me for you to bash! ;) Yeah you are doing what Leon considers spamming.
BTW You haven't met the cruel and evil Leon, have you gamma? ;)
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 10:22 PM
You can bash on me all you want, i won't take it personally, but jsut know that i'll bash back :D

Anyways, if you do something on accident like that, just delete your post, not post another useless one on why the first one was useless.
08-19-2001, 10:29 PM
Evil and cruel? Uh-oh...he didn't seem evil and cruel yet......And after my first post someone said I was his second coming :rolleyes: But anyway, how would I go about deleting a post?? Yes, I'm that much of a newbie. None of the mods have anything against long posts like the one from the "Episode 2" Thread do they?? And if I sound extremely nervous its because I am!
08-20-2001, 9:24 AM
For the first time we play that game I'm going to be the Empier for sure. I just love evil. (looks at his avatar).

But after getting destroyed say over 5 times in a row, I'll either take the wookies or the Rebels. I am NOT touching the TF, Naboo or Gungans. I just dont like the civs of Epsiode1 that much.

Oh and btw guys. I hate rushers. I never rush and I never play with people who rush. I allways devellop my city and fortify it before attacking the enemy. In my opinion it is more fun.
08-20-2001, 9:32 AM
amen to that, Kvan. I don't like rushes either, but i can make a good one. I'm way past moderate level with AOK and on my way to expert now. So Kvan, i'll take you on anytime.. :D

i'm not exactly evil, just when i'm playing against humans..
post on topic and keep it relevant and i stick to the Light Side..
 Tie Guy
08-20-2001, 3:04 PM
I'm not sure if he have the same definition of rushing. I buld up a huge city with lots of defenses and villager, then i gather my army and "rush" the enemy. I think the way you define it as people who make an army as fast as they can and attack. Am i right?
 Master Yoda
08-20-2001, 7:12 PM
I can have a huge army,tons of villigers and Strong defenses within 30 min. I suppose that is considered rushing right?
08-20-2001, 9:23 PM
Not really. When I attack I have like 4 maxed out groups (I think it's 36 units per group).

The perfect example of rushing is StarCraft! ZERGS! Within 3 maybe 8 minutes, you are under attack by a huge hoard of zergs.

newbies hate it
I hated it
those who want to play for more then 15 minutes hated it.
08-21-2001, 6:52 AM
the basic AOK rush has a player building an archery range / barracks close to an enemy base within 12 minutes, and immediately pump out units that attack villagers. That's rushing. Hard to defend, since you have to know where a player comes from. Scouting is key as always.
A very good player can destroy an opponent within 20 minutes this way. Even less if he's close by.

I'm not much into rushing, and i believe GB will have some features that will prevent it largely (think shield generators).
I'm going to play until i drop so i can get a decent level of play asap.
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