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Episode 2

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 Lord JayVizIon
08-21-2001, 2:07 AM
leon, good thread.

sorry gamma, but your idea there of a second rate pop slow song along with that funny acting made me think tangents, and jennifer lopez and mrs. aguilerra happened to come up.
08-21-2001, 2:19 AM
I'll apologise to all the Brittany/J-Lo/Christina fans out there...

**bash bash bash** ;)
08-21-2001, 1:13 PM
To be frank, I don't understand why everyone is so hard on ep 1. I think the only big problem with it was that it was way to hiped up before its release. No movie could ever live up to the expectations that people had for it. As a movie though, the thing that I think people often forget is that it is just the beginning. It is not meant to stand on its own, it is meant to introduce us to anew yet familiar set of characters and begin the string of events that lead to the trilogy we all know and love. I think if you look at it this way, then honestly we should all reserve judgment untill all three prequels are completed. Part of the thrill for the original trilogy is that we all look at it as one big movie. I think once the prequel trilogy is complete we will all look at it as the same and will be quite pleased with what we see. From everything I have heard about ep 2 I think it is going to be great. For those of you who want serious, it definitely seems it is going to be that. Plus it looks there is going to be an all out war wit an army of jedi fighting. So, for all yo pessimists, just try and reserve judgment until all three are out and then see what you think about them as a whole. Lucas has not led us astray yet.
08-21-2001, 1:37 PM
Actuall now that I think about it, isn't that bad a title, also I've noticed bit of a pattern in the names.

SW1: The Phantom Menace
SW2: Attack of the Clones
SW3: ?????????????????
SW4: A new hope
SW5: The Empire Strikes back
SW6: Return of the Jedi

Now notice how the first of the original movies, and the first of the prequels, how their titles tell about something in that will be in the movie, but is very vague, now as for the second of the original, and the second of the prequel, it tells about a group of bad guys(that's assuming the clones are bad guys.) people doing something violent, like striking back, or attacking, as for the third of the prequels, we'll just have to wait until the name is released, to see if it is similar to Return of the Jedi.
08-21-2001, 2:30 PM
I read somewhere that Episode 2 is going to be rated R. Please tell me that this is just a rumor (and hopefully a false one at that). I mean, come on, its Star Wars!
08-21-2001, 2:38 PM
Originally posted by thrawn12786
I read somewhere that Episode 2 is going to be rated R. Please tell me that this is just a rumor (and hopefully a false one at that). I mean, come on, its Star Wars!

Ok, that is really weird, because I heard something, about Anakin, "entertaining" himself, I am quite serious, I found this at ASVS, here's the original thread (,19&start=0)
08-21-2001, 2:46 PM
Originally posted by observer_20000

Ok, that is really weird, because I heard something, about Anakin, "entertaining" himself, I am quite serious, I found this at ASVS, here's the original thread (,19&start=0)
Dang observer! What kinda thread did you link to?! :)
08-21-2001, 3:05 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

Dang observer! What kinda thread did you link to?! :)

Hey, that's ASVS, they don't have the same rules as us, and have no mods, but it's still an ok group.
08-21-2001, 4:28 PM
There is something about that rumor that just doesn't quit sound like Lucas. I think it was somebody just trying to get a reaction. If that really happens, I am going to be pissed.
08-21-2001, 4:36 PM
No Star Wars movie has ever been rated over PG-13... so what makes you think that Lucas is gonna start making R movies all the sudden?
 Boba Rhett
08-21-2001, 5:37 PM
Let's use a little common sense here. :rolleyes: AotC will be rated PG jus as all the other ones are.
08-21-2001, 5:49 PM
yeah... Anakin 'entertaining himself' as you put it sounds way too ridiculous to even be CONSIDERED true. come on, it's such an obvious made-up rumour that it's really, really silly. I reckon about 50 percent of Ep 1's audience was kids. Why would you alienate them on purpose ?
08-21-2001, 5:58 PM
Well, I'm glad to know that you guys don't think its true either. George Lucas would have to be a fool to do something like that. Actually I heard that Anakin was with Amidala, but it doesn't make much of a difference. It's the sam type of thing, and I doubt that Lucas is that kinda director.
08-21-2001, 6:11 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
yeah... Anakin 'entertaining himself' as you put it sounds way too ridiculous to even be CONSIDERED true. come on, it's such an obvious made-up rumour that it's really, really silly. I reckon about 50 percent of Ep 1's audience was kids. Why would you alienate them on purpose ?

I didn't say I believed it, I was just mentioning it.
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