i use words like poonis
i dont know why i do this
maybe cuz im a doofus
chevy astro
the jetsons car that makes that neat noise when it flys around
du du du du du du du du du dududududududududududududududud (noise):D
The Spam King Competition!!!!:p
Where's Rommel's turkey when we need it? ;)
1000 posts doesn't look like a dream to me:D
I'm thinking it might be a good idea to lighten up on posting on this thread......something tells me the mod's might not like double posting, etc.....(Man, am I going to look stupid if they like it)
Leon doesn't thats for sure.;)
getting caught spamming lol
That reminds me Leon not on as much as he used to, or maybe I'm just not on at the right time.
Leo, if your reading this, please close this topic....NOW!
Ok, this is starting to get really really sad.This needs to die or be closed soon. It's basically Wicket and Masta posting. Anyone else feel otherwise?
*pulls out forum gun and prepares to shoot this thread in the head*
CLOSE IT! CLOSE IT! Use your powers Rhett! :D