Below is a snippet of an e-mail from Raven regarding weapon flags. I have implented this is Jedi Runner but it still does not seem to work correctly.
If anyone can get this to work with the info below I would appreciate knowing how you did it :D
Well, I guess the stun baton is actually 1, because WP_NONE is 0. So all those values are downshifted. There are also two "unused" weapon values that get factored in. Saber only is set when every value is in the bitflag except for the saber. So:
0 - none = 1
1 - stun = 2
2 - saber = 4 (do not add into flag for saber-only)
3 - bryar = 8
4 - blaster = 16
5 - disruptor = 32
6 - bowcaster = 64
7 - repeater = 128
8 - demp2 = 256
9 - flechette = 512
10 - merr = 1024
11 - thermal = 2048
12 - tripmine = 4096
13 - detpack = 8192
14 - unused1 = 16384
15 - unused2 = 32768
And 1+2+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024+2048+4096+8192+163 84+32768 = 65531
Kind Regards,
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