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When you guys get the game... I'm stuck on one part...

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03-26-2002, 6:26 PM

When someone get's the game, could they tell me how to pass the stupid mining level?

I've cleared out all the Remnant forces, and I KNOW I have to get on one of the stupid mining cart floating thingys, but I can't figure out how.

Let me know when you guys figure it out.


03-26-2002, 6:41 PM
Read the 'stuck in single player' post in the strategy help forum
03-26-2002, 6:49 PM
Yes, the Strategy Help forum is the place to be. ;)

We're going there now...
03-28-2002, 2:25 PM
Hey Net, you're passed this now, aren't you?

-) wh|stler
03-28-2002, 7:27 PM
Yup now stuck at teh "I wonder if there's a way to reroute it" on the nar shadaa level.
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