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Official List of Rankings:

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07-28-2001, 10:41 AM
Well.. here ya go... the list of rankings everyone will achieve depending on how many posts they can muster:

Bantha Fodder (Minimum Posts: 0)
Pit Droid (Minimum Posts: 50)
Sith Probe Droid (Minimum Posts: 100)
Battle Droid (Minimum Posts: 150)
Ewok (Minimum Posts: 200)
Tusken Raider (Minimum Posts: 250)
Wampa (Minimum Posts: 300)
Jawa (Minimum Posts: 350)
Gungan (Minimum Posts: 400)
Bantha (Minimum Posts: 450)
Wookiee (Minimum Posts: 500)
Noghri (Minimum Posts: 550)
Rancor (Minimum Posts: 600)
Stormtrooper (Minimum Posts: 650)
Sith (Minimum Posts: 700)
Jedi (Minimum Posts: 750)
Jedi Master (Minimum Posts: 800)

Good luck to everyone. These may be updated if we add additional rankings at a later date. Enjoy.
07-28-2001, 10:45 AM
cool! btw, did you know you can make your own rank? i think i'll wait 'til i have 1000 posts though until i do that. :D
 Boba Rhett
07-28-2001, 2:45 PM
That's a nice arrangement but I still don't like being a pile of Bantha crap. ;)

BTW, nice avatars, you two.
07-28-2001, 3:43 PM
thanks. guess where mine came from.
07-28-2001, 5:01 PM
Rogue15 - We just might add custom titles for 1000 posts or something like that. It isn't very hard to to do with vBulletin. :c3po:
07-28-2001, 5:31 PM
Talking about starting at the bothom of the ladder .....Bantha Fodder :eek:
07-28-2001, 6:04 PM
yeah, but i saw a thing that you can reset it or make your own custom title! check in the profiles or options. i'm almost 100% sure i saw it correctly.
 Young David
07-28-2001, 6:28 PM
Won't giving ranks improve the spam!

Isn't the quallity of posting more important than the quantity?

I never get high ranks because I don't post a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm Bantha Fodder (why do I find myself always complaining ... oh well ... never mind)

I think three titles are enough:
- member
- moderator
- VIP (lucasarts guys en stuff)

I'm out
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 7:27 PM
Hey Dave, great name :D

I think it will be good for everyone. Over at, it takes 500 to move up, so people spam alot.
 Darth Vader
07-28-2001, 9:35 PM
One question my master. When I reach 700 posts may I stay a Sith forever?
07-28-2001, 9:50 PM
Woe is me. I am poop. :(
 Tie Guy
07-28-2001, 9:57 PM
Well, i'm only a droid
07-29-2001, 12:47 PM
Ahhh there pretty cool rankings but they do just ask for spamming dont they.
07-29-2001, 12:49 PM
Pretty much yeah, but the intervals are nice so there won't be too much Spam.

When I get to 1000 posts I'm going to be Sho Lin Master of Nothing!
07-29-2001, 2:15 PM
when i get to 1000 posts i will be Emperor.
07-29-2001, 2:16 PM
no. Grand Moff. Emperor's always get too much attention and assassinated attempts.
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 2:25 PM
When iget a thousand i will be "Zeta Squadron Leader"
07-29-2001, 3:43 PM
A battle droid is better than bantha fodder
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 5:30 PM
You know, i've been thinking. Isn't fodder food, not crap like everyone says.

Your not bantha dung, you're bantha food. Aren't you excited? :D

Plus, this has only been open for a few days, Pretty soon, everyone will have enough to move up.
07-29-2001, 7:30 PM
Yippeeeeeeee! Thats incredible news! ;)
 Tie Guy
07-29-2001, 7:44 PM
"I'm only a messenger" Hehe :D

PS: who knows what movies that is from?
07-30-2001, 8:03 PM
ehm... it's on the tip of my tongue...
ehm... dang. can't get it in my head.
Matrix ?
 Tie Guy
07-30-2001, 9:49 PM
Yay, you get a cookie. Now, to get it go to the store and buy it. :D
07-31-2001, 4:30 AM
i already got it... on video..
07-31-2001, 4:30 AM
by the way, i somehow figured that my 100th post should belong in this thread...

hurray !!:p
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 10:56 AM
I somehow figured that my 432 post should be on this thread....

07-31-2001, 12:55 PM
Somehow I figured my 178 post should be on this thread

Yippeeee! ;)
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 1:38 PM
Isn't wookie spelled with one "e"
07-31-2001, 2:11 PM
It's a spelling error! :eek:
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 2:18 PM
i was asking, i don't know. Is it?
07-31-2001, 2:19 PM
It is! :eek:
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 2:19 PM
Are you sure?
07-31-2001, 2:21 PM
Not according to the Star Wars website :o
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 2:25 PM
Oh, ok. Are you sure? I'm going to check.
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 2:27 PM
Hey Rom, the website says that it has 2 "e"s. I never knew that.
07-31-2001, 2:29 PM
Neither did I. I never noticed it in any of my books :confused:
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 3:40 PM
Yeah, maybe they got it wrong, it must be a common misconception.
07-31-2001, 3:56 PM
no wonder you get to that many threads if you use no less than five posts over the difference between one and two e's...
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 4:14 PM
I don't see anyone complaining. Plus, it would have stopped but Rommel kept responding.

Oh, look, another post, hehe :D
07-31-2001, 4:15 PM
Oh yeah blame me :mad:

(;) )
07-31-2001, 4:18 PM
i was thinking of withholding reponse to prevent useless posts.

then i took another look at most threads...

so i thought: what the heck..

:D :D :D
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 4:33 PM
What do post counts really matter anyways, you can make up your own rank if you want.
07-31-2001, 4:37 PM
Yeah! I agree! ;)
07-31-2001, 4:38 PM
i...totally don't see your point there. you just validated mine.
 Tie Guy
07-31-2001, 4:43 PM
your what?
07-31-2001, 4:45 PM
Don't worry, I don't understand him either ;)
07-31-2001, 4:54 PM
Back on topic :)
Don't you think that an Ewok should be put BEFORE Bantha fodder?
07-31-2001, 4:54 PM
i see a trend starting here: me explaining the obvious to the both of you.. :D

posting threads to up your rank is pointless.
still you post many meaningless threads.
you say yourself it's pointless.
my point validated.
07-31-2001, 4:57 PM
Well, Mr. Leon, You post an average of 129 posts a day, And not all of them are 'serious' and 'have a point to them' so remember "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" ;)
07-31-2001, 5:00 PM
don't worry.. i post that much because i worked late last night with my pc on..

and today's just relaxin'. i won't post nearly this much in the future. heh.
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