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HELP! Sound not working with new soundcard

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03-19-2002, 9:40 PM
Hi, I just recently upgraded my computer, new motherboard, cpu, case etc...............................also included was a creative labs sound blaster LIVE 5.1 sound card. I just installed it and was gonna try The Dig on my new sound card and new surround sound speakers. Well when I went to install it, the program has to detect your soundcard drivers but it wont detect them! All sound drivers are installed and I just dont get why its not detecting any drivers. I have windows XP and I was wonderin if that has anything to do with it. Also tried installing full throttle, day of the tentacle and Sam & Max but they all dont work! Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-19-2002, 9:43 PM
Perhaps this will help:

I don't run XP so I'm not sure how it all works, but here's hoping :).

Also, be sure to check out the Sam and Max forums ( ;).
[/shameless plug]
03-20-2002, 12:42 PM
I know how it works:p

Im adding support for The Dig in the next release of Quick and Easy (cheers John) along with nice gui and easy configuration.
Remember you need VDMSound installed first before you install Quick and Easy.
XP doesnt have "proper dos" instead it has dos emulation ("its dos Jim but not as we know it). XP has built in SB Dos drivers but they dont work at all well. Thats why your games wont work.

Oh and Full Throttle will need you to setup the imuse setup yourself (I forgot to include the full throttle imuse.ini in the last release, oops)

EDIT: I cant believe I just did a Star Trek quote, my street cred is gonna fall faster than an Italian footballer in the penalty box.......
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