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Clan Astral Knights has begun Recruiting

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03-19-2002, 7:26 AM
Clan Astral Knights has begun recruiting.

Open Membership til April 29th (no tryouts necessary , automatic acceptance if you meet the requirements below).

Age 15+
Jedi Knight II (requirement after April 7th)
56k or higher (preferably DSL/Cable)

Email me @ if interested.

The website, and the forum for the clan will officially open on Wednesday March 20, 2002, (right now, there is just a page holder).
03-20-2002, 1:51 PM
BTW. There will be extended Clan info on the site once it is up.
03-26-2002, 3:54 PM
Yaaah, new forum server.

few more days....JKII!
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