Is it true that they will use the same weapons & force powers from Jedi Knight I??? If so that sucks and the only change will be the various levels. Does anyone know???
Simple answer:
New weapons (better)
New Force Powers (better)
Originally posted by MustangMatt302
Simple answer:
New weapons (better)
New Force Powers (better) New is better, but I hope they don't get rid of the old. Of course, it would be good if they would improve upon those, too :) It just wouldn't be the same without some form of Force Destruction!
Did u even browse over the website or jump right on the forum? Rofl. Watch the freaken trailors they rock. Got the force from the 1st x 10. My favorite part of the whole trailor is watching him force choke the guy lifting him up into the air accross the room. That will be me......some day.....