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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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03-04-2002, 10:57 AM
siggy test
 Boba Rhett
03-04-2002, 11:02 AM
I can't see the picture.
03-04-2002, 11:20 AM
I'm working on it :D
 Boba Rhett
03-04-2002, 12:18 PM
Here:*EtEZjHm6co2jXjC2IpWZWroDaMAJDc*o) 2eIUpXZxHapPVaHhxI7mw2doUtziZ9c!ISulKX8ORvxNfouLWT 1nviG8k6dMDedH!NmCmanqF8IzhWGELchCPpwXTsKFEvn

Try that. I can't stand to see someone suffer like this. ;)

Edit* Remove the URL tags and it'll work.
03-04-2002, 12:26 PM

I'm starting to get pissed!!:mad: :mad:
03-04-2002, 12:42 PM
Guss Text will have to do. :mad: :confused: :(
03-04-2002, 12:55 PM
Why can't I get my pic to show up in my siggy?? I'm hosting it on my hotmail account. I tested it on our squads old EZ-Board BB....

It worked fine. I use hotmail to host my pics for my siggys on other boards. Thay work fine to.

????:confused: :confused:

Can anyone explaine this? Do I need to use html? I can if I have to.


03-05-2002, 9:58 AM
Never mind. :D :D :D
03-05-2002, 11:00 AM
try asking in the main help forum
03-10-2002, 2:42 AM
Keep in mind that you CAN edit/delete your own posts....
you knew that right? ; )
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