Hey guys, I have some screenshot so how the heck do ya post em?? tell me and ill put them up, thanks:)
first you have to put in a server. then you put the URL of the screenshot between [img,] and [/img,] (both without the comma)
a sever???? How do i do that???
Put them on a webpage...
Where do you have your avatar stored?
I dont have a web page so that sucks. My pics are stored inside my games directory
O my avatar is stored in my pictures file under my doucments
i sent the email to you storm check your emails and you'll see how to post the screen
HERES MY FIRST PIC!!!!! Thanks to kenny for makng this possible, i call this pic,"Rebels Vs. Galactic Empire."
Um kenny, mind telling me whats wrong? A spanish error pops up
Go to geocities and throw together a page really quick or you could send them to me thorugh email and I'll upload them. make sure to make them into nicely sized jpegs first! :p
hey guys it will only work if you copy the link and paste in the adress bar
uhm, this isnt quite working, it comes up with some foreign site, so can u check taht plz
Zero Cool:atat: :atat: :atat:
O cool it works, by the way i was red ( galactic empire ) I won :D
Originally posted by zerocool
uhm, this isnt quite working, it comes up with some foreign site, so can u check taht plz
Zero Cool:atat: :atat: :atat:
Copy the URL and Paste it to the address bar
send me the screenshots and I'll put them in my website
hey storm send more and i upload for u any time u want:biggs:
K thanks but im making me a web site right now:)
and than u post the link here:D
I am VERY upset with you Mr.GB_Stormtrooper!!!
How could you get my hopes up of seeing an AT-AT upclose in a screen shot not one of those gamescene things, but an actual pic of one, but lo and behold there was nothing of the beast, he was selected but nowhere insight........I am weeping right now.........
Just kidding my friend!!! HAHAHA......If I really had a TIE fighter I would fly to your place of residence and have to watch you play as I have to wait about 5 more days as they screwed up my order not once but TWICE, and did not add on my hint book which I wanted so badly.
I am happy that everyone who has gotten their game is enjoying it and not one has bashed it yet!!! (Knock on wood)
COOL, it shows the stats for the HVY AT-AT.
HP= 428
ATTACK= 20+4
Hurry up GB_StormTrooper and update your site!!! Im dying of starvation (for more cool screen shoots!) Im...dying...gasp.....must go to any site that has any unseen screen shots....gasp gasp.....HEY ANYONE LISTENING? Just kidding, im not really dying... GASP....GASP
id like to update my page but i have a question, im making a photo page so you guys can see all the pics but i need to know how to convert the screenshots to jpg images cuz there in bitmap and i cant post those kind so who knows how to do this? O and T.I.E I have quite a few pics of tie fighters with ones at the highest upgrade. they look tight:tie: :tie:
Get a program like PSP 7 to convert 'em. There is a trial available of PSP.
where do i get the free one at?
Basically all you have to do is open the BMP in the program, and then File > Save As > JPG. :)
Can't you just use the Paint in Windows and save the file as a jpg (Save file as...). I'm not 100% sure, but I think I've done it before. I've even changed the exetension from bmp to jpg and its worked on some files. Hope these options work for you because I'd like to see the pics too.
cool thanks i just d/l it
DUDE THIS IS SWEET!!!!! I figured it out and ill have my pic page up and runnning in about 20 min, thanks for the help AoeRat and Nerf:D
I can't wait to see 'em. :)
hey heres the link but i think the pics are too small AND whats worse, i cant find the edit button so i can put more pics in. y does geocities have to be a piece of crap??
There's the picture you're trying to show :) Please takes screenies of OTHER civs!!! PLEASE!
HEY!!! Send the bmp files to me...I'll coonvert them and post them here...I have a website that allows Leeching so everyone here will be able to view them...BTW, pm me and I'll give you my e-mail...
Oh well...you got to it before me...
When I get home tomorrow from school, ill take pics of all the civs and send em to you darthfergie, cya