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Church (Again)

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 Pedro The Hutt
04-17-2002, 3:16 PM
Poverty cause terrorism? Doubt it. If anything poverty would cause begging ^.^ or some go into thieving.. or other things.. but terrorism? O_o If you've got no money what so ever you can't just walk out and buy yourself a bomb. (or buy what's needed for a bomb) And even if a poor guy uses a bomb it's probably because someone with money got the poor guy to do it ^.^
04-17-2002, 3:59 PM
i dno't know anything, but i guess i'll say a few stupid things that may or may not make sense...

I think it might be the opposite....terrorism causes poverty...terrorists terrorize people who are trying to do some good, which discourages them from doing good, so they say 'terrorists kill me if i won't be bad, so i'll be a terrorist'.. somethign like that.

o well if that didn't make sense, at least i got 1 more number added to my postcound. ;)
 Jedi Calypso
04-21-2002, 9:29 PM
OK, well, how about this, for those of you who think that poverty does cause terrorism:

If the US (or any other county, for that matter) would provide money to these nations, do you think that the terrorism would stop, or at least subside a bit?
 Darth Simpson
04-28-2002, 7:15 PM
No, I don't think so. Trying to give them money will only make them feel all the more inferior. So that's probably just throwing wood on the fire.

The money would probably make it to where it was needed either.
04-29-2002, 2:23 AM
Heh, I actually remembered my old password :D

My opinion on the current terrorism is that it's deeper than money. Money is just the surface problem, the most tangible element. It really extends into the ideology of the extremists and I would say religion is at the heart of the matter, but it's really too intricate to say that money, poverty, etc. is the whole of the problem and IMO seems more of a capitalist explanation.
 Lord Udon
05-03-2002, 6:07 PM
I have been all over the middle east and from my experiences there i have learned that most people there are good people but there are a few fanatics who some how end up in power by beating the people down the women are treated lower than dogs! If they were a little more educated i think the people would rise up and wipe these bullying cowardly terrorist out it's not really about money it's all about education and how power corrupts those in it!!!
religion is the cause of most wars but if people would study all of them they would realise they are all not so far off they all have thier basic rules which are similar (be good to eachother, don't steal.........)but everybody seem sto be fighting over a holy rock or a piece of thier gods land or just stupid material things instead of just trying to understand and see where the other is coming from .
i'm not sure that this is worded well but i hope a point made!
05-03-2002, 7:38 PM
well, not to burst any bubbles, but the Saudi government is one of the richest in the world (well educated too), and financially has supported terrorism (maybe still does; simply read up).
The thing is, ideology is the basic start for terrorism. People's lack of cash, bread and education simply makes them cannon fodder for this 'cause'. Look at the Palestinian issue and i rest my case (but that's a whole different discussion altogether).

As for religion; i'm a believer, yes. But i solidly believe in living it out in man-to-man contacts (or yes, man-to-woman) instead of holding polls as to who is a christian and why.
Face it; you can talk for months about it, write dozens of books, contemplate the world over it, but if it's not lived out, it's empty.
Check 1 Korinthians 13 for that.
And that's my biggest gripe with criticism like 'christians cause war, etc'; christians are people. they don't make the norm of christianity, they have to ABIDE by it. If they fail, do you suddenly claim that the norm doesn't exist ? Of course not ! You'll claim that those people couldn't hold on to it.
05-03-2002, 10:22 PM
Th Saudi government maybe rich but it controls a poor nation in comparison to the Western world. I would argue that Terrorism is partly caused by the huge gulf in wealth between the East and West, and is intensified in the Middle East due to the Western Worlds interest in oil. You have to remember that these oil rich countries sell the majority of their oil to the west. Because oil is such an important commodity, the relationship between these countries becomes an issue, especially to a country like the US, which has pretty much tried to manipulate nearly every single oil producer in the Middle East (look at Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc). Are any of you really that naive to think that the Gulf War was about peoples lives? Of course not, this was about the economic dominance of the West (and especially the US). I think religion is a confusing issue for the people in the western world. Islam is inherrent in people in the Middle East, rather than the West where people have far more options and education, it is easy to put Terrorism down to religion, but for me that is an excuse to place blame in something you dont want to understand. The US can bomb country after country, destroying economies, selling arms illegally, manipulating governments and barely anyone batters an eyelid, but when people take it upon themselves to act back...then it becomes a war between the forces of good and evil. If that isnt the most amount of BS you've ever heard then you need to start questioning the crap that you hear on the televsion. If it really is a choice between us (the Bush administration) and them (Al Quaeda) then the world is truly in an absolute mess.
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