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who here is at the SWG board at the Station?

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02-03-2002, 8:09 PM
I just might, but you'll want to pm aristotle, zeroxcape, chris3po, or one of the other network admins for more info about it.
 Com Raven
02-04-2002, 6:37 AM
Heh, I already told them.....

NM, just came to my weird mind again...
02-04-2002, 5:31 PM
hey, yes the SWG boards do get crazy, the NWW have all but vanaished from the boards there, A.S.S has taken there place it seems, ohwell i wonder wat will happen there after the game is released.
 Com Raven
02-06-2002, 5:39 AM
Let's just hope the game is too boring for the and they go back to CS after 2 months....
02-06-2002, 7:37 AM
 Com Raven
02-06-2002, 12:54 PM
Heh, CS must be the game with the highest a.s.s.h.o.l.e. quote per server....
02-10-2002, 4:26 AM
yeah that would be right, but SWG will have a greater shelf life
 Com Raven
02-10-2002, 10:41 AM
Well, it would deserve it...
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