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DOTT problems

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01-17-2002, 5:07 PM
Does anyone know how to help me fix this:
Whenever I try to play DOTT the sound won't work. I have Win95, both CD and floppy versions of the game. The sound effects work, but it wont play the music without distorting it, then exploding into static noise. I had the same problem with MI2, but that was solved when I used the floppy disk version instead of the CD. My sound card works with all my games except DOTT and Indy: FOA - why? I wanna know. Can you help?
01-17-2002, 10:04 PM
i had a problem just like this, for dott i have to use the exe that is located in a folder, it may be tentacle.exe. for indy i cant remember what i did. sorry.
 Lemon Head
01-18-2002, 3:47 AM
if you haven't done so already, then try the patches
01-18-2002, 4:01 AM
Pathches! Good idea. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks!
01-18-2002, 7:43 AM
Tried using a bootdisk?
01-18-2002, 2:45 PM
No, I never liked bootdisks. This patch says it does the trick on the site, I'm gonna try it when I get on my computer. I gues my cruddy PC was 'high-end' in 1993.
01-19-2002, 7:00 AM
Hmmm, I was wondering if anyone could help ME with something. Firstly, DOTT crashes as soon as I open it. Would it help if I ran it in DOS? Secondly, I can't get the sound to work in FOA. The problem, I think, is all this IRQ and Buffer thingies. I looked in my Control Pannel->System->Sound DEvice thingy but I can't find any thing which might tell me what "buffer" I have or what "dysdyusrf" I need. Bah.
01-19-2002, 11:23 AM
*skook* Moving this to the technical wizardry place...
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