I have made a random map..sort of...but when i save it, it is a .txt When i change the name to filename.rms it's still a .txt file.
What program is best to make the rms file?
How do u save it as a .rms? (do u save it as a text file then rename it, or just save it as whatever.rms?)
If anyone knows how..plz help.
I take it you are editing it in notepad?
it should just be a case of chopping the ".txt" from the extension through windows explorer if you don't see the file called
go to windows explorer
folder options
and uncheck "hide file extensions for....."
then in windows explorer you should be able to see the ".txt" appended to the end of it, just right click, choose rename, then simply delete ".txt" from it!
That should do it!
Thanks a lot...i would have never guessed that my file extensions were hidden...again i thank u.