Okay, what are your favourite movies, other than star wars?
Mine are:
Fight Club,
Bringing out the dead, and
The fast and the furious.
Im also looking foward to seeing 'The Score' but.. i spent all my money, and can't afford a movie ticket /forums/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif
In no particular order at all...
(1.) Princess Bride
(2.) Enemy at the Gates
(3.) Hurricane
Willow, Snatch, Shrek, Star Trek 4. I'm sure there are others, but those are my top few. /forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif
1) The Patriot
2) Brave Heart
3) Gladiator
4) Monsters Inc. (Hey it was cool /forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif )
That's about all that came to my mind now
3)Conan the Barbarian
4)Resevoir Dogs
6)The Shining
Hmm, that's a tough question.. hard to narrow down. Here's my top 5 besides SW.
1) The Matrix
2) The Crow - (the first one of course).
3) Blade Runner
4) Clockwork Orange
5) Dark City
My first post on SWG boards-
1) The Matrix
2) Ghostbusters
3) Fight Club
4) Dogma
5) Resorvoir Dogs
Not in actual order:
1)Baron von Muchausen (spelling?)
2)Oh, Brother where art thou?
4)Rush Hour
5)Dungeons & Dragons