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Fan-Game Suggestions

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01-09-2002, 8:11 PM
01-09-2002, 9:06 PM
I have a favor to ask of you guys:

Can someone E-mail me the Monster.Sou file from the Sam & Max game? i'm missing my CD
01-09-2002, 9:47 PM
That's probably illegal :(.
01-09-2002, 9:58 PM
just the monster.sou file? that sucks :(
01-09-2002, 10:07 PM
Yeah, I don't think LEC minds that Scummrev program terribly for personal use, but monster.sou is a big chunk of game data. I bet they would frown us if it were distributed here.
01-09-2002, 10:22 PM
01-09-2002, 11:01 PM
well i was wondering how much Steve Purcell valued his family for and his new born son or daughter. Naaa, just sent him a e-mail, hehe, hes the greatest guy EVER, so what you think of my idea SPACE GHOST?!?!?!!
01-09-2002, 11:08 PM
*kidney punch*

Where is your off button?
01-10-2002, 9:11 AM
was that kidney punch at me? what about steve purcell? what the hell's going on?:confused:
01-10-2002, 9:39 AM
Originally posted by GrimJackel
well i was wondering how much Steve Purcell valued his family for and his new born son or daughter. Naaa, just sent him a e-mail, hehe, hes the greatest guy EVER, so what you think of my idea SPACE GHOST?!?!?!!

What are you talking about? When you say things please say em proper like. I can't understand you. Especially when your showing off what you got.
01-10-2002, 2:12 PM
Oooohhhhh, i get it, hes saying that he wants to buy steve's family. THAT WAS COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC :tsk:
01-10-2002, 5:33 PM
sorry for the long sig, anyways, if you read my first post you would know what i was talking about, this is what i said::::

You forgot the most best part, let it be like this on 2 player: who ever is pitching (make it sam or max too, so you get different taunts and stuff going back and forth) can hold down a key next to the key they would hit to stop the power bar, and well, if you hold down the key or if you push the key down before hitting the power bar hit, the am will be off and it will hit somewhere on the body, so you can put bandages on and stuff. Also let the batter be able to deflect it so it bounces off and hits the pitcher. Id really love to see that too, plus its another bar: health, hehe, so you could have bosses and stuff. NOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN!! :sam: & :max:
01-10-2002, 5:55 PM
We have read your first post.
01-10-2002, 8:32 PM
The part where Max gets fried is probably my single most favorite scene in a Sam and Max comic. It was drawn so well, I actually felt some genuine sadness when I first read it. Poor Sam.

Haha. I'm a wuss.

What's your e-Mail address Shea? YOu kNow. So I can e-mail you That documEnt I pRomised I'd send off. The one with my SuggestiOns yoU wanted?

Yep. I'm clever.
01-11-2002, 2:42 AM
Thanks, Andrei. You reminded me how repetative thes Sam & Max "community" gets.
01-11-2002, 6:28 PM
I don't think i SHould tEll you my e-mAil aDress, becAuse it would be sneakY. Under chapter 26 of the U.S. copyright law, it is forbidden. *cough@cough* However, Only people wiTh perMits cAn vIoLate this law. *cough.COMcough*. *wink wink*;)
01-11-2002, 6:42 PM
01-11-2002, 8:27 PM
I don't think I quite get what you mean by that, iisaac.

On a side note. I just noticed that monster.sou is one hundred and seventy four mother****ing megabytes, which is a bit larger than I'd like to send off. Especially since it would probably be all in vain, considering that hotmail wouldn't accept an attachment that large.
01-11-2002, 10:56 PM
01-12-2002, 4:12 PM
I have some disappointing news:

due to the limits of the engine, and my ignorance as a programmer, the starting movie won't really be a movie, more like a "starting credits thingy". And its not as good as it would have been.:(
01-12-2002, 7:35 PM
why not just make the opening a seperate movie, or .exe so we can download both? i really wanna see that Cowboy Bebop look alike :sam: & :max: intro
01-12-2002, 11:12 PM
I don't think he was talking about size...
01-13-2002, 4:59 PM
Yeah. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was talking about "the limits of the engine" and his "ignorance as a programmer."

For those that didn't see that. Or can't read. Or whatever.
01-13-2002, 5:36 PM
*Kidney punches GrimJackel*
01-13-2002, 7:03 PM
phhhhhh, reading is so over rated, and who said that he had to make the Game intro using the same engine? HUH!!! and you don't have to kidney punch me because you want my stuff, :p HA.
01-13-2002, 7:15 PM
That was, in fact, the lamest come back ever

First, you know nothing about programming, second you can't read, third, I kidney punched you because of the last two points.

If the only thing you can back yourself up with is mere stuff, then I suggest you go read a book about insults. Oh wait.
01-13-2002, 7:38 PM
jeez, what crawled up your ass, nested, used your bowels as food for its younge, crawled through your intestine and through all those other organs and into your heart where they made love and had more children, ect
01-13-2002, 7:38 PM
sorry, wrong button, please delete this messege if it is possible by the server
01-13-2002, 8:00 PM
Nah. It seems to say a lot more than the one you posted above it.
01-13-2002, 8:51 PM
Wait I'm confused, are you making a game about Kindney punching people and collecting their Sam & Max Stuff?
01-13-2002, 8:56 PM

Not yet...
01-13-2002, 9:53 PM
Right, now work on your spelling.

And some help for the future:

"I hope your next **** is a porcupine"
"I want to nuke you until you glow"
"Drink napalm and smoke, bastard"
"Been cooking with the microwave door open again?"
"I hope that king cobras breed in your toliet"
"Burst into flames!!"
"I wish hemmroids the size of baloons upon your bowels"
"It would be really great, if someone were to pour salt onto your eyeballs until they desinigrate, and if they would shove cherrybombs in the bloody holes, that would be even better"
01-13-2002, 10:13 PM
01-13-2002, 10:15 PM
I'll show you chill!!!!!!
01-14-2002, 7:24 AM
I'm not sure it would be easy for the creature to get into his heart since "all those other organs" aren't directly connected to it. But then, I guess it could take a trip through the bloodstream... although that all depends on how big this creature is. I assume it is much too big to make it's way to the heart, since it would have to be large enough to consume his bowels. Then we must discuss it's eating habits and it's metabolism to figure out and average of what it eats and how it stores the energy amongst it's body. Besides it wouldn't be easy for the creature to stay in the heart too long because it would be in one of four chambers; where it would be instantly pumped out or crushed... whatever comes first. So in conclusion, there is just not enough information for this idea to work.

EDIT: On a minor note, those are some nice letters Shmargin.
01-14-2002, 5:42 PM
Wow, skinkie was back there for a second


There will be a starting movie (cowboy bebop spoof, or as close as i can get), and the game will be fun, and the whole thing's gonna be just fine!:D

P.S. snooch to the nooch

...This is like health class all over again (except with more swearing and threats):(
01-14-2002, 6:20 PM
Health = Heck Anyways, id like to put it to this. We can be talking about alot of other things then getting mad, make the world a better place, and stuff like that. So..............lets all just get along. O, and i never said that he was going to be alive when the creatures do all that. Yea, lets get back to the peace thing.
01-14-2002, 7:43 PM
01-14-2002, 8:00 PM
don't ask
01-14-2002, 8:34 PM
*grins evily*

Peace is only the short period between the battles.

note: wear a cup
01-14-2002, 8:51 PM
*They step into the wind, a tumble weed rolls by slowly. Frightened townsfolk hide behind water troughs and inside saloons*
01-14-2002, 8:57 PM
11 more posts and this will be the longest running thread!
01-14-2002, 9:22 PM
Originally posted by sheaday6
Wow, skinkie was back there for a second

's right I'm not dead, I'm still around causing trouble.... and I think I can rattle on for 11 more posts!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Look at me I have Webbed Toes!!!!!
01-14-2002, 9:25 PM
I'm also considering starting a circus list your humourous and pointless talents here, my thumb is double jointed it goes backwards and forwards

(10 more)
01-14-2002, 9:31 PM
i can blow spit bubbles, and my neck sounds like a rusty hinge when i move it. Does that count??? does that count ???
01-14-2002, 9:36 PM
sure, you are now an official freak
01-14-2002, 9:42 PM
01-14-2002, 9:55 PM
my thumb is double jointed too :D when i pop it in and out really fast it makes a thud noise. weeeee this is fun, i can also use my pinky as one of those small red punching bags that go in 180 degrees kinda flops and its rubber looking when i do it :D so when do you think your going to be done with the game? So i can delete the right amount of space off of my HD ......cause my computer is running weirdly (thats not a word) and......heck with it, i hate it....sometimes, so im just blabbering on right dot dot, oops. Ok, im gonna shut up now. Good Night Your Princesses of Main and Your Kings Of England..??? Ehhhhh, that guy was old, he didn't know what he was talking about, unless it was from some kind of famous book that somebody is gonna say the title and author of.
01-14-2002, 10:09 PM
O....K.... whatever, I'm not going to think about that, I'm just going to proclaim him a freak and get off the subject
01-14-2002, 10:19 PM
Okay, who wants to line em up and Flog em?
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