I recently recieved this e-mail off yahoo geocities:
Dear GeoCities Member,
http://www.geocities.com/lucastones) seems to
be very popular and has been receiving a large amount of traffic.
Our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount
of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3 gigabytes
per month (measured on an hourly basis). That means that during the
past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the
bandwidth within this limit.
(dont you just love geocities? such a personal approach, too 'Geocities member'...)
So now I am making an appeal to mixnmojo:
Please can you put my site on your server? It will be updated regularly, and from what I read on the old mojo about hosting sites, mine qualifies as its the only LucasArts based mobile phone site there is.
Thanks anyway.