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Hello again

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12-21-2001, 2:25 PM
Umm... I don't know if you can remember me (you should do) but I'm back anyway. Enjoy my presence while it lasts :¬Ю
12-21-2001, 2:34 PM
BooJaka. Dude. You're back.
12-21-2001, 2:41 PM
Hello again.
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 2:42 PM
I don't know you but in the spirit of xmas I'll pretend I do, okay here goes:

Hey man, welcome back!
12-21-2001, 3:13 PM
Hey Remi, I didn't realise you were still here. Who else that I know is?

Hey Gabez, nice to see you too

Hey Dark Spirit, Merry Christmas... I guess.
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 3:19 PM
I just had a half day at school because it was the last day, I went in at 8:30, had 20 minutes of tutor time, watched the end of 'kevin and perry go large' in english, watched 'they think it's all over' in german, had 30 minutes of break, 30 more minutes of tutor time then went home! in retrospect there really wasn't much point turning up!
12-21-2001, 3:27 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
Hey Remi, I didn't realise you were still here. Who else that I know is?

Darnn, Trap and Prinity.
12-21-2001, 3:29 PM
What about Trinity? What happened to her?
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 3:32 PM
I just missed 3rd rock from the sun!
12-21-2001, 3:36 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
What about Trinity? What happened to her?

12-21-2001, 3:37 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
What about Trinity? What happened to her?

Trinity morphed into a California college student and then disappeared completely. Searches have turned up nothing.
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 3:39 PM
Originally posted by Prinity

Trinity morphed into a California college student and then disappeared completely. Searches have turned up nothing.
much like that toast I found living underneath my computer the other day!
12-21-2001, 3:46 PM
Ohh. I thought you meant someone else but now I realise that their name was Punamio or something.

OK.... What about Trap?
12-21-2001, 3:49 PM
Originally posted by dark spirit
I just had a half day at school because it was the last day, I went in at 8:30, had 20 minutes of tutor time, watched the end of 'kevin and perry go large' in english, watched 'they think it's all over' in german, had 30 minutes of break, 30 more minutes of tutor time then went home! in retrospect there really wasn't much point turning up!

Why did you?

And thats wierd. A few students I know watched the same film...
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 3:52 PM
Originally posted by scabb

Why did you?

And thats wierd. A few students I know watched the same film...

1. i turned up incase teachers were giving out sweets n stuff, I only got a mini bounty!

2. where do you live?
12-21-2001, 3:52 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
Ohh. I thought you meant someone else but now I realise that their name was Punamio or something.

OK.... What about Trap?

I realize I'm an incredibly confusing person and the fact that someone stole my incredibly original nick doesn't help. Trap's here, you can easily see his incredibly... uh... Trappish avatar.
12-21-2001, 3:55 PM
Yeah. I just saw it and remembered where it was from. I guess I could just search around and find other eople I know but if you could tell me some more people who are still here I would be grateful.
12-21-2001, 3:57 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
Yeah. I just saw it and remembered where it was from. I guess I could just search around and find other eople I know but if you could tell me some more people who are still here I would be grateful.

I think the ones I mentioned is about it. Plus various Mojo updaters and such of course.
 dark spirit
12-21-2001, 3:58 PM
I would'nt be able to help, I'm pretty new here!
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
12-21-2001, 5:11 PM
Originally posted by dark spirit

much like that toast I found living underneath my computer the other day!

your toast morphed into a college student?
12-21-2001, 5:19 PM

Yay, now the tight-knit quintet of Remi O, Trinity, Darnn, Boojaka, and Trapezoid is complete. We ruled the old board with an iron fist if you'll recall.
12-21-2001, 5:27 PM
Originally posted by Trapezoid

Yay, now the tight-knit quintet of Remi O, Trinity, Darnn, Boojaka, and Trapezoid is complete. We ruled the old board with an iron fist if you'll recall.

Oh... Yes... I knew there was something I'd forgotten to do.
12-21-2001, 6:00 PM
I love being part of a cult. Now we can shave our heads and paint WHOOP on our faces.
12-21-2001, 6:21 PM
HEY! You all know me (well, as Daniel) and I'm back with this forum. Anyhow, welcome back SAM (Boojaka13m died, I tried to tell them, you should just cut that part off and use Boojaka). All we need now is Scurvyliver...


12-21-2001, 6:32 PM
No way man! The BooJaka will live on forever! You may kill their body but their spirit will live on!

Anyhoo, where was I... oh yeah. Time to go a-terrorizin'!

12-21-2001, 11:31 PM
Try as you might, you can't terrorize us, we;re far too powerfu.... oh who am i kidding? We're screwed. I kneel before you oh mighty leaders of the forums.
12-22-2001, 2:29 AM
Originally posted by Skinkie
Try as you might, you can't terrorize us, we;re far too powerfu.... oh who am i kidding? We're screwed. I kneel before you oh mighty leaders of the forums.

And you shall until you fix that nasty habbit of yours - using ;s instead of ,s - really!

12-22-2001, 6:34 AM
You cannot terrorize what is not there.

And besides, Joey ruled the old boards!
12-22-2001, 7:14 AM
Joey was just diluded into thinking he was king of the world and that he was a fish. He was quite insane.

12-22-2001, 8:45 AM
Joey was hardly there at all, he only came along when one of hs servants brought his keyboard which was specially designed for fishy use. If the old board were a country, us 5 would be the parliament.
12-22-2001, 8:53 AM
What rubish! Joey may not have posted much, but the few posts that he did make were powerful enough to make him the King of the old board.
12-22-2001, 9:38 AM
Maybe to his followers, Gabez.
12-22-2001, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
Ohh. I thought you meant someone else but now I realise that their name was Punamio or something.

OK.... What about Trap?

Err, you must mean Tsunamio.
The last time I saw him on irc months ago.

And Joey > all
12-22-2001, 11:56 AM
No, Didn't either Trap, Darnn or Tsumamio have a friend? It was a girl and it was their next door neightbour or something.
12-22-2001, 12:01 PM
That was Punamio (who did take her name from Tsunamio).
She was more of a troll than anything... But she doesn't visit boards often and doesn't know what trolls usually do. So as far as she knows I guess she was someone who was annoying on purpose.
12-22-2001, 12:13 PM
So she fit in pretty well ;)
12-22-2001, 6:25 PM
Originally posted by BooJaka14m
Maybe to his followers, Gabez.

Or maybe Gabez IS Joey.... Their websites have the same feel (Joey's Page) ( Also his poll has been around for like a year and has only had 31 votes. What an idiot.

12-22-2001, 7:00 PM
Cult of Joey ( expresses their hatred of you, Gabez.

12-22-2001, 10:12 PM
Whoa Whoa Whoa.... someone started a cult and didn't inform me? That ought to be against the law!
12-22-2001, 11:40 PM
Well if you want to join the cult aren't you an idiot.

12-23-2001, 7:02 AM
Did you just call Joey an idiot?
12-23-2001, 7:10 AM
Originally posted by Gabez
Did you just call Joey an idiot?

No I called anyone who's his devoted followers idiots, but Joey's an idiot too.

12-23-2001, 7:13 AM
This is terrible! But anyway, my site and Joey's site have almost nothing in common. Design wise, atleast.
12-23-2001, 7:16 AM
no... they are both pointless and annoying. I men both the sites, and both thoes qualities! (especially your "I worship Joey" suck-up section).

12-23-2001, 7:20 AM
I have a "I worship Joey" section? You mean the Gabez Da Newt page? Bah, that's got nothing to do with Joey!
12-23-2001, 7:25 AM
And what do you have to say about the Joey Cult - whome you're an outcast from? Do you feel left out?

12-23-2001, 8:33 AM
Ofcourse not! The Joey "community" is seperated into two areas. The "Joey Alliance", which are on message boards and IRC (#joeythefish), and then there is The Cult which is basically just a joke. The Cult have very strong beliefs, and think that they alone are the followers of joey. They worship him, and I do not want to be part of THAT.
12-23-2001, 2:48 PM
Guys, guys! Shut up a minute. Where is Joey anyway? Did he move with the boards of did he swim away with the tide.

And now I think of it, where's Darnn?
12-23-2001, 3:01 PM
Joey's missing at the moment. We... do not know where he is, but we'll find him! Soon.
12-23-2001, 5:22 PM
Joey is obviously TOOO good to wate time around people like you Gabez.

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