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Flamers(yeah you pork)

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11-02-2001, 8:21 PM
Let me first explain a definition of a board flamer-

1. A person who snares others in for the fun of it while making comments purposfully to ingite a flame under the other.

2. A person who thinks their opinion is higher up than anyone elses and will do whatever possible to make the person believe their opinion even forcefully.

Which is cool because freedom of speech and all. You cant discount other opinions because one day it might be yours which is why we have that. My point to the extreme if someone burns a flag you have to let them because one day everyone may beleive that flags should be burned.....everyone.

The history of porkins_14

From the Beginning

From the beginning his first post as far as I could tell was on the McGeeza thread where he seemed freindly by talking in goodberry tones about how everyone has their right to their own opinion. He did not openly flame McGeeza because that would not be a good first post you have to gain respect for people to respect your opinions.

Moving all along not many problems from the begining he posted that he looked at the tech tree everynight.

Then Maul_403 flamed him on a topic and he held a grudge by going to another post where Maul_403 flamed somewhere else stating "ignore Maul he is just a flamer".

THEN the flaming started: stating that if you gonna call the game bad read the tech tree.

This game sucks air units are weak. *Pork enters the room* "Mother ****er read the tech tree Air units arent suppose to do this these unit are suppose to. Now read the ****in tech tree. The tech tree statement took a while before it stopped.

My opinion on this. Well I dont see why anyone would read the tech tree if they thought the game was bad. Its like this game sucks! so im going read the tech tree and that will make it rock? Tech trees dont make the game.

Then he would post messages saying gamespot is pissing him off
More in-depth tech tree research I guess.


From this point he really got tired of the complaints and on every complaint message about the game he would fill it up with his complaints about how they wasted his time and would tell them to stop their whining.

Then I posted on a couple of the topics with a good arguement on why they have a right to their opinion and why I thought the game was bad. Then....... no responce so that means one thing about him at this time if you put your reasons up why you think he will not flame you(this will change later) but I do think the others he flamed did put their reasons up and some in a really classy fashion.

Now me seeing porkins turning into a board flamer I decided to take action and counter a porkins flame by posting his very first post where he said everyone is intitled to their opinion. Well he thought I was the emperor and he was Vader because the emperor kept a close eye on Anakin. Not really but thats how he replied. I was just hoping that it would be eye-opening.

On the flaming went then I left and I assume the flaming presumed.

To the Present

In the Honor coder thread he actually holds an agrument and states more than stop your whining *gasps*! but its all mute because he missed the whole point of the first thread and started his own. The point of the first thread is to make a system nothing offically of what you can not do in the GAMES that require you follow the system.

EX:If someone makes a game a says no towers at all and you join and make towers who is dishonorable. First he didnt make any towers and second he figured because you joined that you accepted these terms and he didnt expect any towers. That rule could be part of an honor code in games that REQUIRE this. Most people just make games. Now I can understand you not liking an honor code but if join a game that says no something and you do it I hope you can see the dishonor in it.

Now porkins post your reply in 3-5 post because one will do. Please use paragraphs and if your going to capitlize your sentences capitlize all of them. I had some people tell me they were 13 and they can write legible sentences so what are you 8?

Off topic:Got to get on Maul_403 real quick. I cant say nothing about his avatar after talking about freedom of speech but everytime someone posts something that has been posted he jumps all over them telling them its been posted. I remember one time him saying something that been posted being posted again is just ****. Well you jumping on someone everytime is just you know.
11-02-2001, 8:33 PM
Wow, impressive, this forum is sweet, I came to find people who enjoyed the game and wanted to compete and play. I came to the wrong place
11-02-2001, 8:42 PM
maybe you did :D
11-02-2001, 8:45 PM
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms
maybe you did :D

Wait, arent i not supposed to be talking to you?? So let me get this straight, you can rip me when you want, but i cant defend?? How does that work heavyarms?
11-02-2001, 8:47 PM
Its not like you left him alone anyway porkins:(
11-02-2001, 8:55 PM
Originally posted by isthisfor_real
from the begining he posted that he looked at the tech tree everynight.

THEN the flaming started: stating that if you gonna call the game bad read the tech tree.

This game sucks air units are weak. *Pork enters the room* "Mother ****er read the tech tree Air units arent suppose to do this these unit are suppose to. Now read the ****in tech tree. The tech tree statement took a while before it stopped.

Then he would post messages saying gamespot is pissing him off
More in-depth tech tree research I guess.

If someone makes a game a says no towers at all and you join and make towers who is dishonorable. First he didnt make any towers and second he figured because you joined that you accepted these terms and he didnt expect any towers. That rule could be part of an honor code in games that REQUIRE this. Most people just make games. Now I can understand you not liking an honor code but if join a game that says no something and you do it I hope you can see the dishonor in it.

Now porkins post your reply in 3-5 post because one will do. Please use paragraphs and if your going to capitlize your sentences capitlize all of them. I had some people tell me they were 13 and they can write legible sentences so what are you 8?

Ok here is the defense in order of the quotes up top:

1. I dont look at the tech tree every night and never said i did

2. I didnt say "if you are gonna call the game bad read the tech tree". What I did say is that if you are going to complain about certain units being weak(example: air), at least read the tech tree to see that they get WAY stronger in tech 4. That was my point, and i clearly stated it throughout the thread

3. Ya i probably did react to the post about how air units suck. It was the 238y479375491287412390472309 thousandth time we had heard it

4. Bro, I was kidding about the gamespot thing. They were three days late on their update and a bunch of people made posts like that. If I knew every word here was scrutinized I wouldnt have made the joke.

5. I totaly agree with your example about the "no towers" game. But these people werent just saying that. They said people who use towers are "cowardly" and if we start a league, those are the only rules we should play. Definitely content that deserved an answer

6. Why does everything have to always come back to age??? Every time someone disagrees with someone age has to come in to it. Who cares???

I will finish with this. You would be a great lawyer (if you already arent), you did a great job of mixing my words, piecing different posts of mine together, and downright mis-quoting me. That is too bad. I do respect the fact that at least you defended your argument as opposed to writing a one line sarcastic response. Thank you.

PS: I hope you are as pleased with my development as big daddy palpy was with vaders
11-02-2001, 8:57 PM
wanna keep going? let's take this to pm's shall we?
11-02-2001, 8:57 PM
By the way.....

I'm gonna do a little detective work myself....

For a guy with only 30 posts, you sure know a lot about the everyday activities of this forum. Could you actually have another forum name? Heavyarms maybe? Interesting...
11-02-2001, 8:59 PM
he's also on the same time as me you idiot.
11-02-2001, 9:03 PM
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms
he's also on the same time as me you idiot.

hehe, lol, i've seen crazier things. I've actually seen a guy try to write down my whole post history for no reason. Thats more weird than one guy having two different names signed on at the same time. No need to call people names. Rhett already scolded me for saying someones strategy sucked. Lets keep it clean
 ICP Ringmaster
11-02-2001, 9:06 PM
ok well this really summs it up
11-02-2001, 9:06 PM
And I hold grudges?? You two seem to really be bothered by my presence. hey guys, the best way to get rid of me is tell me that I am really taking time out of your day with your long posts, and you are really losing sleep over it (which seems to be happening). I am a good person, if that is true, I will leave forever. You guys really seem to be bothered by this, and isthisforreal your post must have taken a half hour. With our economy dwindling, if I am taking a half hour of a working mans day because he doesnt like my style, I will gladly leave to better our society
11-02-2001, 9:11 PM
i'm tell you that you am really taking time out of my day with your long posts, and I am really losing sleep over it
11-02-2001, 9:13 PM
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms
i'm tell you that you am really taking time out of my day with your long posts, and I am really losing sleep over it

Here is my suggestion:

Earlier you said we should not talk to each other anymore (you even threatened to tell a mod if i spoke to you again). Of course you ended up being a lier as you worked your way back in to my posts. So my suggestion is to just not read my threads or my posts anymore like you said you were gonna do. Either that or just admit that I am giving you something to do in what must be a boring life
 Sherack Nhar
11-02-2001, 9:25 PM

The mods - not forummers - will decide on what is considered flaming, and what is not.

From now on, porkins, isthisfor_real, and heavyarms, let's use our head and try not to provoke another member. If you feel that you are not capable of this, maybe it's best that you leave these boards. Let's all be nice and friendly, okay? Let's respect each other's opinion (that includes porkins' opinion too - EVERYONE's opinion).

I am going to lock this thread, and I want no further empty arguing like that between you three.
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