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The Battle of Vonta IV

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11-01-2001, 8:57 PM
Imperial Troops began entrenching in the snowy fields of Vonta IV. They were expecting a Rebel / Naboo invasion soon. The Rebels and Naboo had pinned them down and there was little probability of escape. Now, the factories churned out units quickly as the main defenses were entrenched. The first line of defense lie on the picket line of 20 Repeater Troopers. They were all entrenched and their weapons were readied. On General Thern's order to begin the battle, 20 Heavy Repeating Blasters would spit hot streams of deadly energy at the invading force.
On the Second Line, 6 AT-PT and 4 AT-ST walkers stood ready to tear and shred the invaders
On the Third Line, 40 Heavy Assault Stormtroopers and 25 Mounted Troopers stood ready.
On the Final and Last emergency line, 4 Heavy AT-AT's stood at the entrance of the base, flanked by 5 more Repeater Troopers and 4 Heavy Turrets. Inside the base were a few more turrets and the sheild generator.
Overhead, 12 TIE Interceptors flew over, their chilling screeches sounding.

Later, off in the distance, someone spotted 60 Rebel Troopers charging forward. It had begun.
 Wraith 5
11-01-2001, 10:36 PM
What would you like people to do????
11-02-2001, 12:52 PM
Is this something we're supposed to post on, or is it the story of a battle you had on GB?

Y'know, it might be good to have a section in off-topic where players can tell the stories of their most exciting battles on GB. I might do that, when I get the game.
11-02-2001, 2:31 PM
By all means! Join! Pwese?
 Wraith 5
11-02-2001, 3:02 PM

What are we supposed to do???

Who are we supposed to be???

What are the rules???
 Tie Guy
11-02-2001, 3:08 PM
Well, if this is like other threads i've seen before...

It is just a story, not actually a game. There are no rules, you just assume a character and start playing. You tell the story as you go along. Its not like an official RPG, just a fun story to "play"

We've done a few of these at
11-02-2001, 3:46 PM
So I could just take the position of, say, a repeater trooper, and just tell the story from my viewpoint, while other people tell theirs? Cool.
11-02-2001, 3:57 PM

this is kinda neat

but it kinda takes some of the fun outa it

cause making ur character is half the fun
 Wraith 5
11-02-2001, 5:52 PM
Well if that is what ion is trying to get at, we should be a mod in here to close this thread, and get ion to start it again.
11-02-2001, 5:56 PM
Why don't you be a yourself alot of trouble Wraith...
11-02-2001, 7:11 PM
Yo! Dudes!

ok, its real simple :D

just pick a character, my own being the Imperial general, and tell your tale! you can be a troop, mech commander, rebel general, pilot, ANYTHING! we can tell a story in our own way. its real fun. ok?
11-02-2001, 7:33 PM
Originally posted by IonFizzle
Imperial Troops began entrenching in the snowy fields of Vonta IV. They were expecting a Rebel / Naboo invasion soon. The Rebels and Naboo had pinned them down and there was little probability of escape. Now, the factories churned out units quickly as the main defenses were entrenched. The first line of defense lie on the picket line of 20 Repeater Troopers. They were all entrenched and their weapons were readied. On General Thern's order to begin the battle, 20 Heavy Repeating Blasters would spit hot streams of deadly energy at the invading force.
On the Second Line, 6 AT-PT and 4 AT-ST walkers stood ready to tear and shred the invaders
On the Third Line, 40 Heavy Assault Stormtroopers and 25 Mounted Troopers stood ready.
On the Final and Last emergency line, 4 Heavy AT-AT's stood at the entrance of the base, flanked by 5 more Repeater Troopers and 4 Heavy Turrets. Inside the base were a few more turrets and the sheild generator.
Overhead, 12 TIE Interceptors flew over, their chilling screeches sounding.

Later, off in the distance, someone spotted 60 Rebel Troopers charging forward. It had begun.

Rebel Commander
My rebel troopers were quickly cut down. I was frustrated...why hadn't I seen those repeater troops over there...well the best way to counter repeaters is flush them out. "get ready to launch Alpha, Beta and Tango squadrons...and tell Wraith squadron to be ready for an attack upon Imperial Flanks...

Alpha and Beta cover Tango while they bomb those positions. Make sure those TIEs don't touch them..."
11-02-2001, 8:16 PM
Harvest Carbon! Pick some berries! mine some nova! grab some ore! that's all i ever heard until about a week ago. you see, i'm a worker droid. one day i got sick of doing everyone's dirty work and decided to pick up a weapon. I downed 3 AT-ST's before anyone noticed that I wasn't harvesting carbon... But thats nothing compared to this story:
11-02-2001, 9:13 PM
I grinned as the rebel troops were cut down mercilessly by my repeaters. It was too easy. I glanced off into the distance, and it was then I noticed fighters. Lots of them. I grimaced. My 12 TIE Inteceptors wouldnt be a match for that. I scrambled the 6 Emergency TIE Fighers and the base's two triple Anti-Air turrets elevated. Still, we'd have to be cautious of those fighters. I had two anti air troops sent to the front lines. They each carried a long tube carrying mutiple anitaircraft missles. I prayed these defenses would be enough.
11-02-2001, 10:09 PM
Good just as I expected...
Wraith Squadron move out and fly in low to take out those AA turrets...our next advance should be able to take out the AA troopers...Alert all ground forces to be ready on command...

*Wraith Squadron's A-wings take off for their Wild Weasel mission*
11-02-2001, 10:14 PM
The Antiaircraft turrets leveled with the a-wing's approach. They each roared twice and a dozen powerful missles leapt foward,slamming into the formation and tearing apart several a-wings. "Stupid Rebels, they think fighters can destroy antiair batteries! They'll die quickly.

more troops were moved up, and 2 ATSTS. 6 ATPTS, and 20 repeater troops waiting for the next rebel thrust. and one ATST was carrying a suprise.
11-02-2001, 10:21 PM
The mighty worker droid set up numerous traps around the anti air battery.

As soon as a trooper set foot outside of the turret, the whole place exploded, leaving a gaping hole for A-Wings to destroy part of the enemy fleet.
11-02-2001, 10:30 PM
2 A-wings were hit, both not very serious and they turned back to base quickly...

The rest fly in and dodge or blast the missiles..then three of the A-wings lauched 2 Cuncussion Missiles apeice into the AA turrets. 3 other fighters hang back in case they need to use more Missiles...

Alpha, and Beta Squadrons engage the TIE defenders and reseve TIEs it seem to be a close battle...

Tango bombs Imperial entrenchments making several Large craters appear where troopers once were...

At the very same time APCs charge over the ridge which the Rebs have positioned themselve behind...Several Juggarnaughts follow the onslought of APCs and Snow Speeders fly ahead of the attack to cover the them against the Mechs...
11-02-2001, 10:54 PM
imp mech commander

i instruct my troops to fire multiple shots at the largest concentration of rebels
11-03-2001, 8:36 AM
The brave worker droid heaves himself over a heavily armed trench, throws a thermal detonator down their battle hardened pipes, and wheels away.

After an explosion that seemingly shook the whole planet, the worker droid could mark up another 24 kills on his hit roster.

He was a cold, heartless warrior, but then again, he was a droid...
11-03-2001, 11:01 AM
(Imperial Heavy AT-AT commander)

"What do those idiots think they're doing? Do they actually think that they can break through our defenses? Ha! Lieutenant, tell the other officers to prepare for speeders. We'll give them the fight of their much-shortened lives. Muhahahahaha!!!"
11-03-2001, 12:02 PM
Order Tango to use our...specialized bombs on those fools in the AT-ATs...Snowspeeders you are authorized to straf the entrechments and make sure they hit those Repeaters...

Tango then turns towards the At-Ats. The B-Wings start lauching what have been nicknamed by most of the Alliance "Mech Busters" (a specially prepared Proton Torpedo that first drills into the hull of a mech and a half-second afterwards explodes and destroys the Mech)

(Btw, anyone going to be in a TIE Defender or E-Wing that are fighting right now???)
11-03-2001, 12:05 PM
Green squadron, a group of 6 A-wings is moving rapidly closer...
11-03-2001, 12:07 PM
Ah, I'm gonna get killed! *jumps on AT-At's leg*

BTW, I am a low self-control stormtrooper!
11-03-2001, 12:11 PM
The worker droid builds multiple laser cannons inside the enemy's base. 1 by 1 the imperials lose valuable buildings and units!
11-03-2001, 12:17 PM
Haha! I ditched that AT-AT's and found this big thing!
*turns and unpacks shock cannon, aims for the cannons.
11-03-2001, 4:41 PM
AT-AT commander
"That's what they think", the commander says. A AA gun pops out of the back of the AT-AT and immediately frys a B-Wing. "Order those mechs to destroy the entrenched troops." The At-At retreats further back, making itself the last line of defense. A group a snowtroopers sets up an additional 2 AA guns on the AT-AT's back. "They're ships will DIE!!" he says.
11-03-2001, 5:53 PM
"Allright green squadron, this is green leader, all ships check in."
Green 2 standing by."
Green 3 standing by."...

"All right, start your attack run. But be careful for those AA guns!
You know the plan..."

Green 2 and 3 swerve off to the right, while 4 and 5 go to the left.
Green Leader and Green 6 fly down low and do several straifing runs...

Green 2: "All right, lock on the walker. Stay low and out of range of those AAs "

The 2 groups are approching rapidly...

Green 3:" almost there..."
Green 5: "Locked on target!"
Green 2: "Fire!"

All 4 ships fire "Mech Busters" at the AT-AT and swerve off rapidly.
The 'Mech Buster' missiles barry into the side before exploding. The walker goes down in flames...

Green 4: "Yaahoooo!!!"
Green 5: "I'm hit!"
Green 2: " Hold together!"
Green 5: "Aaaaggghhhh!!!!"

Green 5 spins toward the earth, crashing into an At-St and exploding in a huge fireball...

Green 2: "Green leader this is Green 2, we lost Green 5, Repeat we lost Green 5..."
11-03-2001, 7:48 PM
Imperial AT-AT Commander

"Fools! That was just one mech, and we have many more. They have no chance. The Emperor has seen to that.....Lieutenant, have those entrenched Rebels been driven off? See to it!"
11-03-2001, 7:55 PM
Those Stupid rebel fighters won't survive me! *points the shock cannon at the sky (he somehow leans it over on a rock!) prepares to pull the trigger...
11-03-2001, 11:29 PM
APCs get among the repeater troopers and start blasting them...apparently the Mechs havn't noticed the Juggarnaughts approching they open fire at close range and blast an At-St to oblivion and gouges a large hole in the side of the lead At-At...

At the same time the commando group blows up their tunnel behind the Imperial entrenchments while the rebels start pouring out of the Crater...
11-04-2001, 6:46 AM
Time to stop those guys now! *fires straight at the fighters as they aim towards the trench...
11-04-2001, 1:40 PM
Imperial AT-AT commander

The blaster cannon hits another B-wing, which explodes in a giant fireball. Another lucky burst from the twin cannons destroys a Juggernaut. "Two more bite the dust", I say.
11-04-2001, 2:07 PM
Haha, take that you rebel scumbags (says it in a duke nukem like voice.) Now for the rest of you! Points straight at the main rebel transport dropping troops, and fires full power...
11-04-2001, 3:17 PM
The blast is deflected by a mysterious FORCEfield, as a strange Chiss craft soars overhead. It seems the Rebels have allied with the Chiss! A dozen Chiss fighters are now mercilessly blasting stormies and AT-AT's! FAADOOOOOOOOMMM! Another AT-AT hits the dirt. Is there any hope for the Imperials?
11-04-2001, 4:16 PM
HAHA I WILL KILL YOU ALL YET! Link me to the power core!

Link established sir! Tell me when it is 50% gone! We will wack that ship even if it kills us! Get me on the com with the rest of the troops!

Attention all imperial craft: fire at zero three zero mark five! fire on my mark, five, four, three, two, one.... fire!
11-04-2001, 9:59 PM
Imperial AT-AT Commander

Suddenly a mysterious forcefield pops up around the rearmost AT-AT, allowing nothing in, while at the same time allowing the AT-ATs massive blaster bolts out. "Ha! We have our own alliances with the Chiss!" shouts the AT-AT commander. Forcefield springs up around another AT-AT, an AT-ST, and 5 repeater troopers. The AA batteries on the AT-AT's back score another kill, on an unshielded A-Wing. Blaster bolts from the AT-AT fry 5 rebel troopers, and destroy an entrenchment. "They will not last long," whispers the commander, as 3 more mechs become shielded, and the charging Rebels are slowed.
11-04-2001, 10:05 PM
whoops, almost shot the wrong thing! *aims for the transport, fires cannon while draining 25% of the power core, that sorry transport won't transport anything anymore :D :mad:
11-04-2001, 10:42 PM
All of the sudden 2 AT-ATs explode from inside out...

"HAH the sleeper agents came through once again!!!" Flanking attack LAUNCH!!!"

Over a snow ridge rumbles MORE APCs Juggarnaughts with escorts of Snowspeeders and a squadron of "hot rod" Skipray blast boats specially designed for low level fling and fast manuvers while still having great bombing capability...

at the same time repeater troops are getting massacred by APC fire and Grenadeir troopers that the rebels have deployed...Several APCs reach the trech line. They quickly deploy the Wookie Elites (with specially painted "snow" furthat blends into the snow)...Now the battle of the trenches has begun...
11-05-2001, 11:34 AM
Uh oh... We are going to need our new weapon.... spaceball1 (oh sorry, it is that huge ssd above your head, here comes 50 legions of our never ending supply of stormtroopers and 50 ties 50 tie interceptors, and 150 TIE defenders come flying out... 5 juggernauts down, 15 snowspeeders down... Will that rebellion ever stop?
11-05-2001, 3:12 PM
BUT, the Imperials only THOUGHT that they had an alliance with the Chiss. I, Thrawn, order my Chiss Jedi to remove the fields around the AT-AT's and put all their effort into shielding the Rebels!!! My squadron complies with ruthless efficiency, now decimating the Imperials. Stormtroopers and AT-AT's alike see the oncoming wave of carnage and begin a cowardly retreat!

(And if that won't hold you back I've got ANOTHER trick up my sleeve!)
11-05-2001, 5:54 PM
hehehe, that is what you think! SSD closes towards the surface, fires on the chiss ship. Meanwhile, I use my ion cannon, and disable a chiss fighter. Now, I've landed inside the hangar of the chiss ship! I have blasted away the guards, and now i'm coming after you, Thrawn!
11-05-2001, 6:28 PM
"Okay Omega take 'em out!!!" (Omega is the code name for the 3th fleet...who at the time was the last fleet that was completed by the Rebels)
*um...sir...there is no SSD out is just holograms...all of them...including the TIEs...sir they must have a pretty large holotransmitter out there...*
"well that is a major releif...Order the Wookies to attack and destroy all repeater troops in the treches and tell those grenadiers to consentrate on the At-Sts the At-Ats are being taken care off by our air power..."
11-05-2001, 6:49 PM
Too bad I'm as real as they come! *Heads for the armory.
11-05-2001, 6:54 PM
Imperial AT-AT Commander (Or am I?)

I suddenly rip off my mask to reveal a Chiss master's face. Using my tremendous Force powers, I levitate the AT-AT and move towards the assembled fleet. "Lieutenant, order the anti-Chiss shield missile batteries to fire!" Missiles fire from the AT-AT, destroying 6 fighters and damaging the Chiss ship. I easily levitate other shielded AT-ATs and AT-STs, who knock down another 12 fighters, 4 Chiss and 8 rebel. The AT-AT launches 20 transports, that enter the Chiss ship. Imperials and Dark Jedi pour from them, assisting the lone Imperial already there. Bombers are also launched, who start ravaging the ranks of Wookies.
11-05-2001, 7:01 PM
Hi guys! glad you could make it! Hold them off, I'm heading for the power core!
11-05-2001, 7:06 PM
All of the sudden the At-Ats blow up in mid air...several of the transports suffer the same fate...

"ALL RIGHT!!! I was wondering if my other sleeper agents had made it!!!"

The Remaining 2 AT-AT's Chiss shields are being heavily bombarded by B-Wings and X-wings and A-Wings...then one of the AT-AT's shields fail and it falls crashing to the earth blowing up instantly...
11-05-2001, 7:22 PM
I have reached the power core! Commander, tell the troops to evacuate the ship! I'm going to self-destruct it in five minutes! Jedi, give me your saber, I'm going after thrawn! Two minutes later, I reach the bridge. At last we meet, Thrawn!

P.S: no one respond until thrawn makes his saying about this!
11-06-2001, 7:40 PM
Suddenly you are hard of breathing. . . Yes, that's right, I'm a DARK Jedi. A malevolent laugh fills the room. "Mwahhaahahaha!" Your molars explode one by one, and then you eyes burst from their sockets. "MWahahahahahahahahaaaaa!" FAAAADDDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!! All of the Empires troops, vehicles, and ships explode spontaneously! Nothing is left. All of the dead Chiss are resurrected, as their ships piece back together around them.
11-06-2001, 7:43 PM
#50 you have a prevaling chiss inflamation in your brain? It is a common symptom of Thrawn fans...
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