ok..don't yell at me if u've alreday heard this or whatever...NEways. I joined a 2 on 2 zone game...but somethingwas NOT right. The map was EMPTY! no trees! no crystals! no animals! no water! just grass! everywhere!..i don't get it..i thought there was only 1 map...i THINk there was a monument tho..I saved the game, so i can play it ofline if y
all want me to look for something..it was weird.:confused:
very strange. did you just look at the mimi map or did you look at the screen
on both. I'd take a screen of it if i knew how...
*I guess you can tell I am ready for this game to come out*
Hmm, interesting bug, it might be a fun map if you played DeathMatch or used cheats to gain resources.
*starts chewing on the grass like a nerf*
Freaky maps, freaky ... nerfs?
could it be that someone edited the map-file they played with ? If they are hosting, it might be possible with some kind of code-editor..
No scenario editor, and no map file... Unless you're thinking they somehow hacked the code..?
Someone may have found a way to hack the maps...or open them in another editor?
I haven't ever seen the Age of Kings/Empire's editor but there may have been a way to open maps in it or save maps from the Age of games and use them in star was: GB.
Check your directories and see if you have any other map files in them.
It would be nice to get a map without the monument and with resources :)
er..there WAS a monument in the middle i'm afraid. the only way u could get resources was from spaceport....no nerfs.I think i can give u the name of the guywho hosted it....
Bah...all I get is the dreaded red X.....no image for me....