you might already know this but if you dont it makes the game more fun!
if you highlight a unit/units and hold down ctl and then press a number, a little number will apear next to that unit (for example 1) so when you press one on the keyboard that unit will be selected.
It is the same thing in ra2 basically
Thank you this can be helpfull ;)
This isn't a trick. Its called hotkey. A nice RTS feature first introduced by StarCraft or C&C.
It's in 99% per cent of all strategy games such as Ground Control, Red Alert, Force Commander, etc.
Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle
It's in 99% per cent of all strategy games such as Ground Control, Red Alert, Force Commander, etc.
Yes, to lead a successful attack you must put your units into groups. This lets you respond to threats quickly and efficiently.
The wierd thing is, you can't group units like you could in AOE, then you could just click on an unit and you automaticly select the whole group...:confused:
i don't think it was in aok, or was it. Maybe thats why people could beat me in huge groups:)
yes its very neat trick and it helps a lot
Originally posted by silenthunter
The wierd thing is, you can't group units like you could in AOE, then you could just click on an unit and you automaticly select the whole group...:confused:
If you double click a unit, all units of that type on the screen are highloighted
i thought ssome of you might know about it but it is still a neat trick no matter how many games have it!!
Did you also know that double clicking on the group number takes you directly to the group? This saves alot of time, and you can respond quickly to an attack even while doing something else.
Really? Now THAT is something I didn't know! :eek: