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WE are on a role

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06-14-2000, 1:02 PM
Hey Lt Cracken Shootist R.A.V.E.N and other guys guess what .........We got 3 newguys this week!!!

Remeber you only have 1 Life, use it well!!!(I felt like saying that)
 The Master
06-14-2000, 7:43 PM
 Evil Spock
06-15-2000, 6:00 AM
Ah, yes. More drones for the dust mines...I mean, more pilots for the Rebellion. Yes.

"Beware the bearded one."
 The Master
06-15-2000, 12:32 PM
I meen hahahahahaha!
06-18-2000, 4:17 AM
More pigs for the slaughter!!!!! I love to work and get my hands bloody.

Did that scare anyone else?

"Tis easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
06-18-2000, 6:39 AM
Oink! *Squeal, squeal, squeal!*
06-18-2000, 1:50 PM
Cool, I'm not the only new frea-- err person to join this board.
06-18-2000, 1:50 PM
Cool, I'm not the only new frea-- err person to join this board.

Name: HiddenTalon
Occupation: Crashing virtual X-Wings
Webpage: (
06-19-2000, 8:54 AM
I see that while HiddenTalon chooses to fly the X--wing, she also notes its tendency to crash... Welcome to the Mental Frigate.

"I sought the true nature of reality but discovered instead the real nature of truth."

--Thrustweasel of Earth
06-19-2000, 12:25 PM
you probably don't want to see me in an A-Wing

Name: HiddenTalon
Occupation: Crashing virtual X-Wings
Webpage: ( (
Don't click on Mr. Smiley!

[This message has been edited by HiddenTalon (edited June 19, 2000).]
 The Master
06-19-2000, 2:34 PM
What is this with "don't click on Mr. Smily". What happens if you do?
06-19-2000, 2:55 PM
You go to this website were a bunch of anoying "posts" pop probably don't understand me but in a simpler version DON'T go there

Y is a Y-wing shaped like a Y
06-19-2000, 4:15 PM
Yes I clicked on the Smiliy as well, Talon, you're gonna die!

"Tis easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
 The Master
06-19-2000, 7:43 PM
I clicked on it too. I am with Chillin, HiddenTalon is gonna die. When did you find the time to do that?
06-19-2000, 11:24 PM
I didn't. My "friend" pulled that on me, and I kept the URL. Its (

Name: HiddenTalon
Occupation: Crashing virtual X-Wings
Webpage: (
=) (
Don't click on Mr. Smiley!
06-20-2000, 5:06 AM
I turned off the computer to get rid of mine, so I never saw how many of those hellish little boxes pop up.

I suppose I (Mr. Shoot-Down-All-the-X-Wings) deserved it...
 The Master
06-20-2000, 3:52 PM
It took around 15 minutes to half an hour to get through them all and that was not fun!
06-20-2000, 4:12 PM
just press enter REALLY fast, or hit control-alt-delete

Name: HiddenTalon
Occupation: Crashing virtual X-Wings
Webpage: (
=) (
Don't click on Mr. Smiley!
06-20-2000, 6:23 PM
There was only 150 of the boxes, I went through them all and it didn't seem to take that long.

"Tis easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
 The Master
06-20-2000, 8:21 PM
I just said that to scare everyone away from it.
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