To clear up some of the issues on "Medical Units?", there are medics in the game, both droid and biological for healing units in Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. The Jedi/Sith, unlike Monks in AOK, do not do the healing.
thanks for that info, Gaber..
anyone know if the droid will be 2-1B and how a human medic will look ?
Now that we're clear on the Jedi-issue, i guess it also tones down on any questions about Jedi being too powerful.
the 2-1B droids look like a real possibility. i haven't seen any biological medics in any preview so it's a wait and see for that. i'm pretty sure the wookies will have a unique biological medic as well as the gungans, someone that is not human...:cool:
I value a medical unit. Better to heal a unit the build a new one. (one medic can hill many soldiers, that with out you would have to build over again) Which cost money and time.