Hi, I have just gotten some cash and I am definetely getting Galatic Battlegrounds...
My problem is I dont know whether to get Age of Empires II...I have been thinking about getting it for a while but never had the money....(Spent on other things)....
So is it worth me buying it as well as Galatic Battlegrounds? or should i just stick with GB?
If you have the money for both, get GB and Age of Empires 2 Gold Edition ( AoK plus Conqerers Expansion). They are all great games
because you will be playing on age of the empires and it is a good game however it is a game of whitch you can get bored of after a while, but i am pretty sure this star wars version is different, because we can create a beter story for ourselfs
i realy think you should wait.
Get Galactic Battlegrounds for 2 reasons.
1)its basically the same game with less bugs and more features
2)Its Star Wars!
if you are a star wars fan this game will be so much better!!
i so much want darth maul with his body guard boba fetta along side with a worker and advanced pummel in darth mauls cloaking ship. they would be my small yet elite team.
of course the emperor will be the real power with his guards by his side. and darth vader.
i carnt wait for this game any longer!!
Yes, the game will be most exciting- I have Aok2, so im going to Gb aswell
dude both of the games are good
you should get GB..why???? becuz your posting on the GB foums
if you can wing it, go out and get the gold expansion for aok. it is basically the same, but there are added features to swgb that aok doesn't have. plus, aok is tough in its own rite b/c swgb focuses on long range weapons while aok focuses on short range and hand to hand plus walls play more of a difference i think...
You miss understood me....I have enough money for both games and I'm definetely getting Galatic Battlegrounds....but is it worth me getting AOE?
From your reply's I would say yes
Get GB when it's out ... when you want more ... slightly different gameplay, historical campaigns ...get AoK: TC