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New game - what systems?

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01-02-2002, 1:45 AM
My, you forget quickly, Fuchow.

Besides, Fireman is on some sort of hiatus.
 The Dogfuchow
01-03-2002, 7:51 PM
forget? not at all.

I know Fireman's on crack currently, or more like the lack of weed....

either way, any pieces of the comic that can be found is well worth it (except for the black panel divisions).......

either way, the comic book is a must-read wherever you can get it.
01-04-2002, 6:25 AM
Actually I just ordered a copy of Yellow Horseman to complete my collection... yet, I have no where to buy La Cosa Nostroid.
01-04-2002, 1:48 PM
What the hell are you fellas bantering on about?
01-04-2002, 2:16 PM
It's the needed off-topic topic all forums need, and you probably will never know what were talking about until one day your subconscious relates our subject to something in the real world, in which you will wonder what exactly we were babbling about, and you will come to ask us odd questions, but we will be gone.

I'm sure that's all bad sentence structure above. Hooray!
01-04-2002, 6:17 PM
... buh? *scratches head in a stupid fashion*
01-06-2002, 12:26 AM
Dunno if Hal Barwood is the person to ask about GCN ports since he's designed, what? ... Fate Of Atlantis and Infernal Machine. Hee.

I saw him for two seconds at E3... He seemed to be cool.
I'd hope that Sam & Max gets ported to GC but who knows.
01-06-2002, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by JiveMonkey
Does anyone understand game designers' obessions with leaving a popular developer after a few years of recent success?

My only guess is that they want to avoid a Sierra-like fiasco (increased popularity of their games leads to increased pressure from above leads to crappy games). But that's probably wrong.
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