I've read that the Gungan civ advantage over the water... meaning that they can build stuff underwater.
They also have submarines, i wonder if the subs are like warcraft, having the ability to appear invisible to the enemy, unless a spotter is used.
Also, GB is supposed to have more naval units compared to aoe2. I suppose that we'll see anti-air ships, or else a whole navy could be vulnerable from air attacks.
build a shipyard during a game to see. There are a Few more ships.
Believe me, AA-ships are very effective (sniff, poor Y-Wings, just wanted to fly by ....):(
No kidding, I surprised the heck out of this poor guy when he tried to attack me with ships. A few well placed Snowspeeders and it was all over :D
Read the tech tree so you dont waste our time, of course navy has anit air, and very powerful anti air
:jarjar:Mmmmm...mesa want a gungan sub! with ham, cheese, turkey tomatos, mayonaise... LOL:D
what can the gungans build under water other than houses
, i mean it would be soo cool to build everythink under water including the gungans but i know gungans carnt go in the water on the game and so the troop fectory wont be built in the water
Hey porky, don't have a cow.
How are other civs supposed to get rid of the Gungans, can all ships engage sub-waterlevel stuff or just special "hunters" ??:confused:
Originally posted by hannibalscipio
Hey porky, don't have a cow.
I'm cool, just prefer people do research before wasting my time. This is a "discussion board", not a "research board". people should come here to have intelligent conversation about things they've seen or wish they have seen in their experience with the game. It isnt a place to come and ask questions you can easily find the answer to if you expend the energy to double click on the game and go to tech tree
do u see the sub in the tech tree?? no u don't... that's why i'm here to confirn that rumour...
duh, if are so busy, u wouldn't even bother to read all the threads
Hey porkins, I'm sure you don't care but I agree with them :) Don't read the post if your gonna do nothing but chew out the person who wrote it.
gungans frigates can go stealth though and no other civs frigates can go stealth:eek:
Hey, Will every other Civ. have Water units as well?
Nah duh.
All gungan water units are "subs" meaning that they are all underwater and are hard to see untill they start firing, but they don't require dectors to see them
Yep they are stealth ships...I just wish they were the more powerful version of the ships...
Does anyone know if the Gungan housing when it is built under water is it invisible too???
I don't think so...Cuz in the screenshots you can see them. And would that make the kind of one sided? In the new screenshots it shows an under-water fortress:eek:
you might be able to see them because they were playing as the Gungans...
BTW, what under water fortress??? post a link here please...
i cant wait to play the gungans
It might be an underwater fortress, but I think it is part of the Toybox, you can view the screenshots here.
there is more screens of asteroids and space stations to :D
on water maps gungans will b next to unstoppable:eek: