maybe you guys should have a test board for people to try out different stuff without it getting in the way of the regular boards.
sigs, links, smilies, etc.
" vBulletin Message
You have included too many images in your signature or in your previous post. Please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.
Images include use of smilies, the vB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator."
Yeah I hate that message... I'm always getting that...
:bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1:
Maybe you've created such a test-board with this thread.
Subscribe to it so the thread always appears in your control panel. Then when you want to test something, just edit your original post with what you want to test. When you are satisfied with the look...then you can use it by copying and pasting it in whatever thread you wanted to post to .
This technique always worked for me. :)
Originally posted by Jake
:bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1: :bdroid2: :bdroid1:
It's the Battle Droid traveling dancers!!