Spaff wanna tell stuff about the new server?
Like hardware and software stuff.
It's in this big box. And there are chips in it. BIG chips. And and... COLORFUL chips. This baby's got HORSEPOWER. WOO.
How much more technical can you get! :)
you could specify colours?
Hmm if you are still gonna talk with these language of flowers, I am not going to care for meself. I want data, number values.
It runs on an Alpha-Beta-Gamma Quad Speed Sinclair Spectrum (The Console Of Tommorow - Now you CAN fly) and is connected to the net at an astonishing rate of 42175456828GB/ps
Thanks, I love when people are strictly telling time:
-"Uh, it will be quarter to the millenial when XVII. Louis was hanged"
Who built the server
You Spaff, your local PC-shop or was it bought ensambled?
They might just rent a server like for a fee per month or year. I don't think one of the admins actually hosts the site on his/her computer...
All this server business... It's just kerazy!
So.. is it really that bad?
Can't you give some real specs?
pretty lame..
I'll have to find out myself then :D
It's prolly best to wait until they have the whole server up and running smoothly until we bug them with questions. The specs might change a bit by the time it's finally done.
Let put is this way, the server will be able to play Sam and Max with vocies. So that puts is about 486 with 16mb or ram and a 14.4 modem.
Originally posted by Schmatz
The specs might change a bit by the time it's finally done.
... damn.. they moved again to a new server.. so you were partly right ;)