Reconfiguring Heretic 2 will make a big difference in your game experience. This includes rebinding defaults and scripting actions to improve player control.
Findal's Binds ( has some very useful information on configuring Heretic II.
For example you can bind spells to keys Jedi Knight style like this in your user.cfg file:
bind r "use *morph"
bind 2 "use *tornado"
bind 3 "use *meteor"
bind 4 "use *lshield"
bind Alt "use *quake; use *ring"
bind Ctrl "use *tele"
Or, for instance, here's my script for a first person/third person view toggle (on the F1 key) :
// Frist Person, third person toggle
alias third0 "cl_camera_fpmode 1; cl_camera_fpdist 1; wait; cl_camera_fptrans 0.0; alias camalias third1"
alias third1 "cl_camera_fpmode 0; alias camalias third0"
alias camalias third0
bind F1 "camalias"
Findal's main page ( also has a lot of useful information on configuring HII.
[ June 20, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]