Hi guys (and gals)
I'm new here, this is my first post infact. I just got my August PC Gamer magazine and JK2 has a short article in their E3 feature, not a whole lot of new info, but its good to get recognition, and there is a screen that I havn't seen before of Kyle force pushing a Storm Trooper through some glass, pretty cool, be sure to check it out.
Thats all for now
Thanks for the info. Is there anyone here who can upload that pic?
Cool. Thanks for the heads-up. I always get my PCG really late though. Florida sucks.
You are luckier than me canoli, here PC Gamer is available in a different version, edited in Spain, and is available about two months after its released there, as most gaming magazines.Thats why I dont bought any gaming mag and I only check online gaming sites :)
Let me see if I got my August PCG yet. I've gotta scanner so get ready...
OK...I didn't. Oh well. But tell me...did it look anythink like this...
[ June 26, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]
wazzzup :D
Welcome to the board
I had also remembered that shot with his description.Its probably not new, thanks for the heads up anyway
Can anyone say if its some new info there?
It took you that long to figure out the shot wasn't new?
/me shakes head