Ok, ive been playing GB for a while and I can not believe how daft and stupid the units are.
Workers, jedis, mechs all of them!!! Why oh why dont they take the QUICKEST route to any point?!!
Can anyone explain????
Its driving me mad.
Fortress , gun towers etc only seem to shoot at buildings without any guns or defences.
I mean...why not shoot at other guntowers or forts rather than bloody walls!!!!!
Why don't you ever reply to the alredy existing threads on the subject?! You'll find 8 identical threads on the fighters alone. Grrrr!
Okay, I'll bear with you and answer your question about buildings firing at walls. Select a building and right-click on an enemy to make it fire at that enemy. It's not exactly an IQ-test :rolleyes:.
If im busy doing something, I should be able to rely on my defences to take out any threats - i dont consider a wall or a farm to be a threat....do you?
This is something they should have looked at
I think its like that to prevent cheap people from doing Tower Rushes, but i could be wrong
Um, can you tell me what is supposed to be like that to prevent rushes? If you mean the manual control of units, well, it takes one second to hit the hotkey for "go to message" (Home), and right-click the jedi/sith to bring him home. To a player who can do tower rushes, that's nothing.