1- Can you creat your own units?
2- Can you edit existing units?
3- Can you Change the name of a unit (Like giving a Stormtrooper a name, etc)?
1) No, you have to work with what's there. There are some units in the editor that you can't play with in the multiplayer games though, so you have a bonus then.
2) No.
3) Not to my knowledge... unless you'd use a code-editor and fumble around with that, but still, then all units of one type would still share a name.
Questions 1 and 2: The scenario editor is not a graphics editor, therefore you cannot create or edit what the unit looks like. You can, however, place as many units as you want on the map.
As for question 3: I'm going to have to let someone else answer that, but in my opinion, it sure as he|| better!
Was wondering because I want to try some heavily one sided missions, like a lone Jedi taking on an entire base, or similar. Doesnt have the same effect if you cant name him :)
Hey Paragon_Leon, what's with your signature? That don't seem all that funny to me.
Originally posted by ReaperFett
1- Can you creat your own units?
2- Can you edit existing units?
3- Can you Change the name of a unit (Like giving a Stormtrooper a name, etc)?
Here are the answers:
1. Obviously no
2. Obviously no
3. Obviously no
I hope that helps
on (3
on (2
on (1
Read backwards. :p
why is it "obvious" that you cant give a unit a name?
Hannibalscipio, that signature is directly quoted from an interview I had with that artist once. The key is that it's shedding some light on how easy we claim that something comes from God, when it's really just what we would WANT to be from God.
It's an entertaining way to open your eyes in that sense.
Although u can't do all of all u asked, the senario editor would have more than enough characters to work with...
There are definitely all the heroes to play ard with, so i wouldn't be too worried...
There are still senarios and campaigns for Aok being generated, so i'll bet u'll have a lot of fun, even without the capabilities u asked for.
2. No
3.and NO!:rolleyes: