Regarding the manual:
This is an initial stab at a manual for the BAP Map Tool, colloquially known as 'Obi.exe'. It is woefully inadequate. We'll be updating this multiple times, and we need your help. Read this to get the most basic, ugly understanding and go play. Look for what stuff does and if you can clearly describe what's happening, do it! We'd like your input on. Then we'll assemble what we've learned and update this manual. Repeat ad nauseum.
Right now you're looking at V0.1. I apologize in advance since it'll become clear how much of this tool I didn't use. I was primarily dealing with the AI scripting language and actor placements within the Map tool, plus some Model assembly.
Here's the obligatory "with great power comes great responsibility" speech. The absolute best way to get this shut down is if we do something stupid with this. We're not going to make money, we're not going to use LucasArts property inappropriately, this is strictly for private use. We shouldn't be distributing this since many of the sound effects are straight out of Lucas archives. Technically, it's in our EULA to not monkey with the TPM files.
Download links:
BAP Map Tool (!uZBxTTwY!bbxi4VQ3U0ymFgE0gucdmKs5qy8bE56pMgxaJjI) 8aBI)
Manual (!2ApAjYqK!3eVN6tCyHw__DJW2T8V_HLExwrTjmJAyqfofux-NsYw)
If in the future anyone finds the links to be down, PM me and I'll re-upload them.
Once again, a big thanks to Zanzibar for this.