Hello guys.
I've been playing Battlefront II for a very long time now, but there were issues. My first issue was my BF2 game crashing to desktop, and I've used various fixes which worked such as the Stereo Mix option & setting BF2 to Windows XP Service Pack 2, which means I can play Single Player (both Campaign and Instant Action, etc.)
But this is the main problem, and I've been very annoyed with it for a LONG time. Whenever I try to launch a LAN game in Battlefront II, I crash to desktop. There are fixes for this apparently, notably the "headphone to microphone jack" but I use a laptop, and I only have one jack on it. My headset has only one wire & that's it. I've also tried doing CTRL + ALT + DEL, Set Affinity and then setting Battlefront II to only one processor, but that didn't work either.
Any ideas? Please let me know. I really would like to play Multiplayer in SWBF2 and this problem has annoyed me a lot.