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KotoR save-file hacking

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11-24-2014, 10:27 PM
First, I hope this is the correct forum, and if it's not I apologize!!!

I posted here ( about this, and Search and Google have found the Bastila version of this to heck and back, but what about the Carth variables for romance? (Hush, don't judge me T_T Psychologically-damaged males need romance, too! XD ) Somewhere along the line, a romance variable got turned off for Carth, (no idea how, where, when, etc.,) don't really want to start all over again, (trying to get through this and TSL for the Revan expansion to SWTOR,) just set the variables to what they "should" be and go from there. Plot-wise, the (backed-up!) save with which I'm working is just before Malak on the Leviathan. However, I also have a few other saves. I COULD go back to one of those...if I knew for what I was looking variable-wise :confused:

What's correct in K_SWG_CARTH_LEVEL? What about K_SWG_CARTH?

I have the KotoR tool linked to in another forum here, as well as the KSE program I acquired...I forget when.

Sorry to bother y'all, but I've literally been Googling for over a week with no luck :(
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