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Is Star Wars Obi-Wan any good?

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05-19-2012, 6:08 PM
I've always wanted it for the original Xbox, but recently I've heard that the gameplay is pretty bad.

Does anyone here own the game and have anything to say? I've never played it before.

Sorry if wrong forum.
05-19-2012, 7:36 PM
I've never played it either, but I remember back then to be very anxious to play the PC version (which ended up being cancelled).
05-20-2012, 4:44 AM
I've never played it either, but I remember back then to be very anxious to play the PC version (which ended up being cancelled).

Yeah I saw a video or two of the gameplay and it looked great, like a Jedi Knight but based on Obi-Wan.
05-20-2012, 9:28 PM
I owned it way back in the day and it was "alright/so-so" in my book. The gameplay and style wasn't anything special but the story was pretty entertaining in it's own right (basically a re-telling of Episode I). When I sold it to Gamestop they said I was crazy for trading it in/selling it but I never played it and it just didn't capture my interest like Bounty Hunter or Outcast did.
05-20-2012, 10:40 PM
I have it and still play it from time to time. I loved the game except that the multi-player or lack of really stunk
06-05-2012, 1:14 PM
I would say Obi-Wan is decent at best. I imagine you could snag it for a few bucks on eBay. The concept of using one of the joysticks to swing the lightsaber was kind of interesting, but it also brought limitations to the game.

The single player campaign was a retelling of EP1. I loved the EP1 game made for the PS1, so i was eager to try it. It played pretty well, but there were some moments in the game where your player felt limited. Even on the easiest setting, there were parts where they basically set you up to fail. It could get quite frustrating. As for the multiplayer component, it was pretty bad. It all depended on who got the first force push in...

If you can get it for a few bucks, I'd recommend trying it.
12-24-2012, 12:09 PM
I never played Obi Wan, but saw screenshots in video games magazines (and read reviews) as well as various videos of the game. In many ways it reminds me of The Phantom Menace video game.

Two things seemed to be interesting in OB - first, it shows more of the time, when episode I takes place. The other one is that the levels such as Coruscant showed quite a lot of NPCs. I can speculate further, that it is also one of the first games, that shows Coruscant in a more or less presentable way. I know, that TPM had a level with this planet too, but it was too simple. Shadows of the Empire shows only a few locations, that weren't too impressive from a point of view of city infrastructure and its dwellers. =)
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