A suggestion for better screenshots - increase your anti-aliasing!
The following comes directly from here: (
Since Bioware has removed the Anti-Aliasing option from the game, we have to enable anti-aliasing manually. There are two ways to do this. The first one is via an .ini file tweak, the second one by forcing it on a driver level.
1. Enable in-game FSAA it via .ini file tweak
This is arguably the best method. It will allow you to activate TOR's native Antialiasing mode, which should perform the best and possibly cause the least graphical glitches.
To do this, open %LOCALAPPDATA%\SWTOR\swtor\settings\client_setting s.ini (in Windows 7, the path may be different in older versions of Windows) and add the following line to the [Renderer] section:
AntiAliasingLevel = 4
Change the "4" in the above code sample to your desired FSAA level. Values of 2,4,8 and 16 are supported.
If you had forced FSAA for TOR via drivers before, please revert the changes you made to the driver profile for Star Wars: The Old Republic to it's defaults. Otherwise problems could occur.
I hope this tutorial helps in better screenshots!